4 - Weak

137 10 26

"You got a..green?"
"Go to hell, Eclipse."

Solar Flare and Eclipse sat in the mindscape, a deck of cards in-between the two. After Eclipse had gotten a new body, they were still stuck with the annoyingly-monotone celestial. And somehow they managed to get a deck of cards.. Don't--don't ask me how they got a deck of cards, not even i know.

Eclipse placed a 'Draw 4' card down onto the deck, grinning as the slightest bit of annoyence rose in S.Fs expression. He reluctantly drew the four cards. Dramatically fanning himself with them. Eclipse thought they was getting more sassy and sarcastic. He also thought they were picking up these habits from him somehow. Or maybe they'd just gotten more annoyed with him as time passed.

"You do realize you'll eventually have to get back up, correct?" Eclipse groaned, nodding. "I'm fully aware of that. Just.. Preparing myself. Moon will probably be mad that i passed out or something. He's predictable, i think." He glared as the other placed down a cancel turn card, then a +2. He slowly drew the cards, sighing. He was still ahead by at least 3 cards, though, which brought a little bit of a smile to his face again.

"I don't think thats a good thing, Eclipse." He scowled at Solar Flare. "You're sounding like Earth now. I know its not a good thing.. Nothing is good anymore." S.F nodded, as Eclipse continued to place down cards. "Earth was right, though. You used to go talk to her a lot, some sort of therapy thing, didn't you? What happened to that?"
".. "
"I stopped going."

"It's not a big deal. Its just talking, whats that important about it?" Solar Flare sighed, shaking there head and placing down a green card. "I do hope you realize this isn't doing you any good. You should really talk to them about you-know-who. " they kept Lunars name out of the conversation. They knew it wouldn't go well if they were mentioned.

"No." Eclipse swiftly shut that down. "I'm not going to load my problems onto them. I already caused enough." He didn't know why he did any of that. He couldn't come up with a reason after.. After he'd died for the first time. S.F checked the internal clock. It'd been at least an hour.

"Eclipse," their voice was stern. "Go take control of the body. They'll worry even more if you don't get up." Eclipse sighed, but nodded, shuffling the deck of cards into a pile before walking towards the cube.

"And, Eclipse?"
"Go talk to Earth, for your own sake."

He didn't respond before he took control.
When he got up, his vision was all.. Dark. This usually happened for a bit when he passed out. He waited a minute or so, the humming of some sort of computer filling his censors. When he vision finally came too, he was greeted with a yellow color scheme.

"Oh, you're awake." Eclipse whipped hos head around, quickly sitting up. Sun had been sitting next to him. On Suns bed. "Shit- sorry. I passed out in the daycare, didn't i.. " Sun nodded, a sort of akward-yet-not-akward silence filling the room. Eclipse slowly began to get up, fumbling to unplug what he assumed was a charging cord from his head. He was correct on that matter.

"I'll get back to work now--" He felt his arm being pulled back down. Sun was tugging on his arm. "Stay for a bit. Please. I want to ask you some things." He heard a high-pitched voice creeping through, and tried his best to ignore it. He sat back down next to Sun. "Sure, whatever. Not that it'll probably help."

"What'd you mean when you said you.. 'Didn't feel in control?'" Eclipse hesitated, his voice seemingly getting caught in his wires. He managed to choke out a reply. "Well.. It's all really fuzzy. After my death, i just.. I can't remember why i wanted to do any of that. It feels like i didn't do that. Yet--it was me. It was my body. My actions. So of course i did! And I'm.. I'm stupid for feeling like it wasn't me, because it was me!"

Sun went silent next to him. God, look what you've done. You're scaring him. He tried to shut out the little, annoying voice in his head. They are dead. They are not here. Sun suddenly spoke again. "Do you regret it?" Eclipse hesitated, before Sun added on. "Please Eclipse. I want to help you. Everyone.. Well, mostly everyone does."

Eclipse looked down, his rays slowing to a stop. He tugged at the gloves on his hands. Did he regret it?
It took a minute, before he replied.
"I regret it, Sun. I regret everything. Hell, i regret even existing! If i could go back and make sure i stayed dead--no, make sure I'd never even been in a line of code, i would've." He hesitated, before leaning his head on Suns shoulder. He noted he was slightly shorter, which he did not like. Not one bit.

Sun let this happen, waiting a second before placing his hand on the rayed celestial's shoulder. He flinched, before practically melting into the touch. It stayed that way for a minute.

He heard sniffles coming from the animatronic next to him, he turned his head seeing Eclipse.. Crying? A fun fact about Animatronics:they don't have watery-y tears. Its oil. Little drops of yellow-goldish oil landed on his pants as he started crying. He clawed at his hands, trying to reach up and grab at his rays. Sun hastily put an end to that, pulling his hands down and holding them tight.

Eclipse began mumbling, the words undecipherable. Sun pulled the animatronic closer to home, rubbing their back lightly as they sobbed.

He made a silent promise in his head not to tell anybody else, besides Earth, about this.
He knew Eclipse didn't want to be seen as weak.

~ 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬 ~ ✩ A S.A.M.S+L.A.E.S AU ✩Where stories live. Discover now