Chapter 40: 11th of April

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Melody POV

"Come on Aiden, just one more block!" Aiden was slowly walking behind me. I stopped and looked at I struggling to even keep walking even "come on I'm the one pregnant, not you baby ". I giggled and walked toward him.

"I know babe but I can't walk anymore " He looks around and slowly falls on the grass.
The sun wasn't too powerful as Aiden huffed on the grass , shielding his eyes. His long arms reached out for me as I stood in a nearly empty park.

"Aiden we honestly walked for 15 mintues". It was as if he was crawling in a hole because he was he rolling on the grass.

"I wanna go home ".

"And I want this baby out of me , that is why we need to keep walking". He groaned and stand up. His arm reached for mine as he laced our fingers together.Grabbing a water bottle from my backpack , I put it on his lips as he takes it greedy. He holds my hand and turns the opposite way.

"I know all these false alarms are taking a toll but this walking is killing me. Yesterday we had to walk a mile . I think we should go home and do another thing to induce labor sonneblume". He was right and I knew it , sadly.

Grabbing his arm , we walked home as I started to remember how hard this week has been.

3 false alarms but Kai was so close , He is due on 15th but for some reason he wants to come out sooner.As we walked home but all I could do is watch the ocean. It moves so slow , how I feel this pregnancy went.

"Aiden , I am so tired . Everynight Kai kicks my stomach as if he is trying to break out . My stomach hurts , I just can't stand it". Aiden and I stop and look at the ocean.

"Do you remember that day I asked you to marry me ". I giggled as he held my body close to him.

"Which time?"

"Ha ha very funny, The best moment . You holding my hand as we watched the ocean. Want to know why?" I grasped his my hand tighter as I looked around to see the sun starting to fully rise. I smirked as I stared up at him. He smiled at the ocean as he moved our hands.

"So are you going to say it or you want me to ask?" I giggled as he groaned .

"Melody , I am trying to be romantic" I smiled as he grumbles . I moved around and stood in front of him.Pulling his collar down to mine , I kissed him . He held my waist and pulled me closer , kissing me harder.

Bitting his bottom lip , I pulled away and looked at his beautiful face.

"Why did you propose to me , Aiden?" I smiled as he looked down and kissed my forehead.

"I know you deserve the world and I want to give it to you. I know I hurt you so much-"

"And I hurt you too Aiden , we both are to blame ." He looked at me in shock as I admitted my guilt. He ran his hand down my hair as he held me closer.

"Well I know how I feel about that but oh well . But I know how I was when I was a kid and I can't help but pray for us. I was an ass ". I let out a small laugh as I grabbed his hand and walked toward our house again.

"I know baby , I know." While walking back home , The powerful sun rose as we made our way.

"What other ways can we induced labor , Did you check our list". He cleared the peaceful silence as he opened the door to our home. Nicklaus and gevene were not home and leaving us alone.

"Well spicy food but we ate mexican food yesterday". He groaned as he held his stomach.

"There is only so much japenos a man can handle". I giggled at his face staring off the distance.

"I need to eat spicy food not you"

"I am a supporter" He smiled as he pulled out his phone to look at his list.

" We already gave you a massage the only thing left is number 4 ". His eyes wiggled as he looked at me .

"Well I think we should eat some food before number 4 ". I moved away from him as I walked to the kitchen.Grabbing the eggs and meat ,He slouched toward the kitchen.

"I really like number 4 a lot but I will wait for you". He smiled as kissed my cheek and started to walk away.

"Can you bring out that yoga ball Gevene has ? I am going to bounce on it." Again with a large groan he walked to bring it out. Leaving it in the living room , He walked back in the kitchen and smile.

"Anything else miss?"

"Yes , what are you going to do ?"

"Maybe work ?I still need to make some money for us to survive ". He whipped out his phone as I cooked the food and looked at his emails.

"Well can you take a break from that and pack Kai's overnight back and our overnight stuff. I want him to wear the clothes I made for him. And also charge the camera , just in case. He isn't leaving any time soon". I looked down to my belly and looked back up at him.

"Aiden? Did you hear me?"

"Yes just sending an email off my vacation day. Alright I am on it baby ". He walked up stairs, while calling some one on the phone. I smiled as I put on the radio. I looked at my phone and saw that it was only 8 am . It was to early to do that .

This day was getting longer and longer as I heard Aiden upstairs. Trying to make everything fit in bags. He was cursing in any language he could think of.

Calling my father , I went straight to voicemail. He quickly sent me a photo off him and some woman on the beach.

On a date . Talk later lady bug.

ladybug? ew dad. He looked happy as I noticed his hair was thinning. I guess the chemo was working. He will be cancer free it will just take a while.

Aiden ran down stairs and smirked as he sat next to me.

"All done sonneblume , now we can eat and keep trying".

He devoured his food as I slowly ate mine. He looked at me in anticipation as I gave him a confused look.

"Aiden it is barely 8:30 am , we can't do this that early".

"There is never a time that we can't make love".


"No buts go upstairs and lay down". He winked at me as I finished.

"Ugh fine , I will but I don't want to be disappointed". I kissed his cheek and walked upstairs.

"Of course not . I will make sure I do my best". I giggled as he chased me up the stairs.

He held my waist as we walked to bed and his lips kissed mine. His lips trailed down my neck , leaving me to kiss me. He holds my waist as he slowly pushes me down on the bed .

"Alright baby ,Let's do this".

"Ew do not do that".

"Woman can you stop killing my vibe." I giggled and kissed him , causing us to fall in bed and kiss.

"Sorry , let's do this thing". He smirked and kissed my lips so hard , almost making me lose breath. Yes he left me breathless.


Aiden was still taking a nap as I walked to the bathroom. Closing the door, I felt a pain in my stomach but it went away.

"Kai stop". Grabbing my hair brush , I saw Aiden from the corner of my eyes looking at me.
"Nothing, I heard you yelling ".
I was about to say a smart ass remark when I felt a pop. I looked confused and saw water tricking down my leg.
"Aiden My water just broke".
"Aiden my water just broke ".
"Come again?"
"Shit, shit . Let's go !" I groaned as I felt a sharp pain again as he ran away.
" Aiden ! You need clothes ". I yelled as I put on a tee shirt.
" shit your right ". His naked ass ran back to the room and changed.
This is it

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