chapter 25:Happy Birthday Aiden

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Melody POV

I woke up to a empty bed and empty room, but I had to let everything all aside and wish the love of my life a happy birthday. I grabbed the painting I drew and painted for him and a extra bag. I waddled all the way downstairs and saw him still on the couch but he was eating cereal. I waddled to where he was and  just gave him a smile. Before he could say something I put my hand on his lips.

"Shut up and open your gifts we can talk tomorrow".

He just nodded and opened the painting first. It was a painting of him with a soccer ball , passing it to a little boy with blonde hair. I kinda picture our son with  blonde hair because when I was born I was naturally blonde and Aiden a natural blonde.  I might be completely wrong but oh well. He softly traced the painting , leaving a heavily sigh as he stared into my eyes.

"Baby girl I am sorry , I know I did so much things wrong but I do love you " . He grabbed my hands and looked at my eyes "I am so sorry".

He kissed the tip of my hand and ran it across his face. I just leaned into the side of his shoulder and closing my eyes.

"Aiden I know.  But it was hard to hear that you only wanted me as a joke. But you took the joke too far when you got me pregnant. "

With that I threw him a card and waddled to the kitchen. I grabbed everything for breakfast to cook , but I knew I still had to put a happy face. I wanted to break down in tears , I am a joke. I made eggs and bacon , making him a plate I left it on the table and waddled upstairs with a water bottle and food.

I knew Aiden would look for me in the room so I went to Nicklaus room and used his balcony.  Setting my food down , I reached for my phone and dialed my father.

"Hello Melody".

"Hey dad" My voice was heavy and low as i tried talking to him.

"You sound horrible what's wrong?"

"Aiden and I are fighting."


"Because Aiden only wanted me as a joke, I guess James loved me the whole time and I am pregnant".

"Well honey I knew James loved you for a long time , but just like your mother , you were too blind to see. As for Aiden, let him explain then make him beg and blame Aiden for knocking you up. Love you"

With that the phone line went dead . Ugh I hate when he is right. I need to let him talk , I can't be my mom. She left and I will never leave.

But to handled James, dialing his number, I mentally prepared myself for a roller coaster.


"Yes James , we need to talk".

"I love you."

"No you don't! You love the idea of winning Aiden ! I want you as a friend and if you don't want that...I need to know."

"I need more!"

"I can't give you more!"

"It is me or that loser!" This isn't my best friend. He would never say that but I have to remember I broke his heart.  Now I will break his spirit and that makes me feel worse.

"My baby". I clicked the end call button and rested on the chair.


Aiden POV

I looked at a card of melody and I picture collage and almost started to cry. I saw her walk back upstairs and shook my head. I love this woman and she needed me . I let her down, I let my baby boy down.

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