
496 9 4

Warning: Smut

If you are not comfortable you can skip. <3


We both sat in silence, looking across the expansive city skyline, taking in the sight before us. I softly smile as I follow his gaze up into the stars, the beauty of this moment causing my heart to flutter. This feeling only made me miss the moment with my mother more deeply.

"My mother used to stargaze with me in this exact spot," I whispered my voice slightly shaky as my mind flooded with memories of her.

He turned to me his eyes studying me intently and he looked back at the stars.

"I can see why she liked it here." Miguel softly spoke. I noticed he was looking at me and my heart began to race a bit, I didn't want to look back at him, not yet. I wanted us both to enjoy the view, I wanted him to enjoy it just like I was.

"You should look at the view, Miguel."

" I am, Hermosa." He says in a teasing manner, I roll my eyes and he smirks still staring at me.

"I like seeing you like this, it's calming." He chuckled. I quirked my eyebrows,

"I'm always calm Miguel, it's you who's always in a mood." I tease.

I looked at him slightly in awe when he smiled, his fangs slightly showing, illuminated by the glow of the moon. It finally hit me, how truly beautiful Miguel was when he was happy. It was like an otherworldy sight, Miguel truly smiling. What made it even more beautiful was that he smiled because of me, it made my heart race a bit more adding butterflies in my stomach.

This man was too fine for his own good.

"Look who's staring now," He said looking down at me. My breath seemed to be taken away, I reached my hand up and brushed it across his cheek. I pulled back as soon as I realized what I was doing but he quickly gripped my arm.

He leaned in and kissed me, I kissed him back using my other hand to wrap it around his neck pulling him closer to me. My head softly hit the ground and Miguel propped himself up by his elbow and kissed even more passionately.

Under the stars, our hands danced through each other's hair, his touch was gentle and soft. His kisses littered my body, leaving a burning sensation. "Quedémonos aquí para siempre" He whispered into my neck, his fangs sofly grazing my skin.

Let's just stay here forever.

"Please." I breathed as his hands moved further down. I could see him slightly smirk at my words, only this once I didn't care. I just wanted him.

"Seguro, mi amor," He slowly undoes my clothes as well as his.

He gently pulls them off putting them to the side. I felt completely exposed, but the words Miguel whispered into my ears, made me feel better. I felt safe with him.

He was gentle with me as his head made its way between my thighs, subtle grunts left his lips as he fed on to my reactions. He whispered sweet nothings as he'd spread my legs wider, his tongue exploring all the right places.

"So perfect." He mumbles. The sensation makes me let out a small whimper. I close my eyes revelling in the moment. It felt amazing. "Don't look away, Hermosa." He whispers. I open my eyes slowly to see him smiling between my thighs,

He keeps eye contact and takes in my face as it contorts into expressions of pure pleasure. He enjoys seeing me like this, I can see it in his cocky smile. I felt like I was in a moment of pure bliss. Just both of us under the stars.

The boiling sensation in my gut grew signalling that I was reaching my climax. Miguel gripped even harder onto my thighs keeping me in place. My body grew weaker by the minute as I chased my high, my slight whimpers and moans coming out once I had finally reached it.

Miguel lifted his head from my thighs as I caught my breath. He kissed my thighs again once more. "You are so beautiful, so perfect." He whispered over and over with each kiss. He then began undressing himself.

As he stood there before me, his suit instantly became nothing, revealing his well-toned abs that glistened in the moonlight, I felt my heart begin to beat faster. I wanted more. I wanted to be the one to touch his body, to run my hands over his muscles and feel his warmth as I slowly took in his beauty.

My gaze moved lower and I already felt the heat between my thighs.

"Are you sure, mi amor." He whispered and I nodded slowly giving him my approval. I felt like if I said anything it would ruin this perfect moment.

He slowly thrusts into me, continuing at a slow pace. The pain was there slowly mixing with the pleasure that came with each thrust. I grip his hair as the pain fades into full-on pleasure.

"Fuck," He grunted as he trusted himself into me as he got closer to his own high. Tears streamed down my face as the warm knot in my stomach started to tie itself. Both our moans created a slurry sound that filled the space around us. I tightly grip Miguel's hair as I finally feel the warm sensation. Miguel grunts as his pace becomes even more sloppy.

"Miguel." I breathe out as we both climax. Miguel's breath instantly becomes heavy and he leaves sloppy kisses against my neck once again.

He stares at me taking me in the moonlight, his breath still heavy, "Eres absolutamente perfecta mi hermosa araña,"


thank you for reading! <33

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