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happy april fools lol


"I know y'all are here." He calls out in a surprisingly chill manner.

I keep my composure making sure not to mess up, my mind begins to run with a hundred questions but every single one of them leads to this being a trap. Maybe they had gotten to Hobie and threatened him to bring us out or they've brainwashed him. Ya, that's a big stretch but it could be possible, right?

My thoughts race and in a second everything goes silent. My spider sense flares up and before I can make a move Hobie is in front of me with his hands crossed over his chest. "So my knight in shining armour did come to save me." He chuckled lending out a hand to help me up but I looked at him with a big scowl. Even if he wasn't being threatened or even brainwashed, this was still giving off asshole behaviour and that's something I'm not in the mood for.

"Should I hold my hands up for you to tie me and take me away?" I say sarcastically but I'm being deadass.

"I don't do that."

"But you like teaming up with the enemy so..."

"Sorry, yeah? I can see you're fuming, mate. But Miguel and Jess have buggered off, and the HQ's been right chuffing about something, we might win this fight."

"And you know this isn't a trap because?"

"One of the mates found me and I tied them up and ya the truth just came spilling out. Scared the crap out of the little thing but at least I didn't cause any harm." He chuckles.

"I'm not laughing."

He holds his hand out once more and I decide to take it. My heart still races and I find myself looking around for any sign of this being some sick prank but the Spider-people seem to be chill as fuck, which helps my mood. I recognized all of their faces and not in a good way, and yet again I found myself trusting in Hobie, hoping to God I don't die. No sign of Miguel led to me taking a big sigh of relief but at the same time, fear replaced it. If Miguel wasn't here, he's probably looking for Miles.

Gwen steps out and lands beside me and Hobie greets her awkwardly as she tries to take the situation in as well. We look at each other in confusion. If we do get attacked and if this is a prank then at least I have Gwen by my side. Can't die alone.

"So did Miguel change the orders or?" I say awkwardly to fill the silence.

"I found the situation silly at first but once I saw Miguel tweaking out I had to step in. I know damn well that if my dad's life was in danger I would do everything to stop it, plus Miles is a kid doing what we would all do so I thought it would be nice to try and find a better way to resolve things, while he isn't here of course." A spider-man on a horse states.

"So you guys decided to turn on him," I smile in amazement.

One spider-girl glances my with a wary look, "You're not going to say anything to Miguel though cause like I know you guy-"

"No, no of course not," I say abruptly and my voice quiets down and slightly breaks. "We're n-not that close any- we never were, what? Ha."

Hobie and Gwen give me a worried look and I look away so quickly trying to keep a poker face. I couldn't continue to show them how much this was hurting me, they were never even supposed to know about our relationship. It's harder going about this if people actually suspect us being together in some way. But saying those words hurt knowing that there was some truth, something I never would've predicted happening for the reason it did. I never thought I would be here again, trying to fight against him but even then there was no real reason for my "hate".

"Uhm ok, sorry about that it's just that you guys seemed close."

I keep my eyes away from her, "Ya I get it. He's scary but we got this I hope. What do you guys have planned." I quickly change the subject and the room seems to lighten up.


We head into a room filled with different spider-people in scientific suits. The room is filled to the brim and everyone seems to be running around doing a different job than the other. The noise levels are high and charts and calculations on the screen light up the orange screens. Loud typing noises ar sound. Different names are being called out and people can be spotted with vials filled with glowing substances. One screen shows Spot and a paragraph next to him which seems to be an analysis of his origin and powers. Another screen shows a lab and explosion as well as a collapsed universe with a paragraph on how to contain one.

My eyes widened in astonishment wondering how I'd never been shown this place before, it looks like heaven. I step closer to one desk scrolling through the screens and Gwen follows me. I look through the information and realize their plan.

The spider girl continues, "We're planning to extract his powers and use them to contain the potential collapse of a universe in case."

I scroll through more pages with no words, "You plan to reverse-"

"Ya uhm we have a collider in the HQ. We absorb the dark matter from his powers and use it to extract the rest due to attraction and then we utilize the dark matter into a patch for a universe collapse using our other mechanical instruments." Hobie looks at the girl as if she's speaking in a different language but I continue.

"And your absoloutely sure it will work?"

"58% actually. Uhm but it seems to be coming together with all these talented minds at work."


It felt like I was suddenly punched into a dream. It was hard thinking that hours ago we were running for our lives running into a dead end in nearly each path but it seemed that things were turning up. Gwen is off to find Miles after we found his Earth and Hobie is setting up a potential trap for Jessica and Miguel if they aren't willing to comply once they return. The spider techs learned how to shut off all alarms so that they won't be notified until they enter the vicinity, but by then it will hopefully be too late. Then this will all be behind us.

The only question I had was our relationship. As much as I wanted to be in Miguel's arms again and watch stars in the night sky with his hand in mine I know it's not going to be the same. At least for me, I don't think I can look at him the same. I've never held a grudge but his betrayal hurt like no other and the pain only seemed to be growing despite the end of this shit being near. I'm supposed to be happy but all I can think about is him.

All I want is just to talk to him again and I shouldn't.

If everything goes right, then we're going to have to talk and I dread the confrontation. I worry that the words I say might hurt me and him or it might be him instead. I don't know why I thought we would work out, we're two different people with totally different ideals. Opposites attract until those opposites clash and find conflict.

I'm just hoping we're able to solve it and return to the way things were. Just two spider-people in love with incredible responsibilities.


this chapter is kind of shitty but i swear the next one will be better and get ready for some tension :)

thanks for reading <33

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