One Wish Came True

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"This life sucks..."

Inside what is basically an abandoned shed, a shack maybe, there could be a young blonde man found inside, around his early teens, wearing an eye patch and attempting to fall asleep on the floor, covered only by a dirty old torn blanket and his clothes on his back.

"Being forced to pay off my Dad's debts..."

However, the blonde couldn't sleep, as he was too busy complaining about his current situation and being forced to be in it.

"Selling some of my organs to pay off said debt..."

He rubbed his eyepatch and frowned deeply.

"Barely making enough money to just buy a slice of bread..."

He glanced at his slice of bread, preserved in a plastic bag for later consumption.

"And worst of all, I have no girlfriend..."

He let out a very depressed and disappointed sigh from all of his misfortunes

"This is such a shitty life..."

However, before he could continue to complain, he felt something nudge against his body, prompting him to look and see what it was.


And what he saw was none other than an orange-looking dog with a chainsaw blade poking out of its face; it gave off a cute little bark that made the blonde smile.

"Well, not as shitty~..."

He pulled the chainsaw closer to his body and held it in a tight yet gentle embrace.

"I promise you, Pochita..."

He continued to talk, but with more hope in his voice; the chainsaw dog, now known as Pochita, listened to him very closely.

"One day, we'll get out of this mess, and when we do, we will live out our wildest dreams."

He pet Pochita and began listing out some dreams that he hoped would come true one day.

"Jam on bread, clean water, a soft bed, and being surrounded by lots of girls with big titties..."

As he listed out his dreams, Pochita continued to listen with wide eyes in amazement and wonder.

"And you'll be there, by my side, and make my life a whole lot sweeter~..."

He looked down at Pochita and nuzzled her, which the chainsaw dog returned the favor and nuzzled back.


And with that, both the blonde and Pochita fell asleep after finishing their talks of hopes and dreams for the future, something that they wished would come true someday soon... Unfortunately, instead, they got something crashing through the ceiling and landing next to them with enough force to crack the ground beneath it.


The blonde was already up and holding Pochita like a chainsaw, no doubt planning to cut up whatever just crashed into his home, though, when the dust cleared and he was able to see what or who just did all this, instead of getting ready to kill someone, all he could do was go wide-eyed and let his jaw drop when he was met with a certain unconscious redhead beauty, that wore bronze armor, had a spear and shield, basically looking like some kind of Spartan warrior; it was so wild and unexpected, clearly he was unsure on how to handle this new situation he found himself in.

"Oh... Well I guess that's one dream crossed off my list..."
I like to think Denji and Jaune are similar people, but are only different because of the life they lived in, so yeah, you can probably guess why I did this.

(Short chapter, but i have so much things to think about and consider, like should Pyrrha be a Devil something, should this takes place in CSM or RWBY World? If it does take place in CSM, then when should they go back to RWBY? So much to consider, I am open to ideas of any kind, twank u wuv u very much~)

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