Where The Lines Overlap

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I've had this damn mark on my wrist for 18 years. If any time is good to find out who is going to cause it to fade, I'm sure it's college. New people from all over. My dad and mom never went far into anything about the soulmates mark, just that the first words you say to each other is what's on your wrist, like a tattoo and when you say them to one another, it burns and fades off. Me being the extremely impatient journalist, you can imagine how I've handled this whole situation. Since I was little I've been impatient. I don't like not knowing what's going to happen next. One of my many pet peeves. But, I'm optimistic that I'll find my soulmate courtesy of Silas University. I'm just ready for this cupcake to get off of me so I can finally know who my soulmate is, I can't stand not knowing as we've already established.


As the elevator door opened, I was greeted by a cheery curly haired ginger in a green turtleneck and black pants. "Hello dear, I am Perry, your floor don. What dorm are you in?"

"Uh, 307." I managed to sputter out, I was taken aback by the high energy of the redhead.

"Right down the hall on the left, your roommate is Carmilla Karnstein, she's already there and fair warning she's, uh, something and likes nicknames." She said with a bright smile as she hurried me along. I found 307 with ease and Perry was right, she is something. The room is already a mess as the raven haired girl who I assume is Carmilla, is standing in a red flannel, combat boots and leather pants blasting punk rock music. She's attractive, I mean extremely gorgeous, but as far as I can tell, she's a slob. She noticed me in the doorway and rolled her eyes. How rude.

"I wasn't aware my roommate was Oscar The Grouch. I'm Laura."

"I'm Carmilla, cupcake." She replied with a faux smile and we both grabbed our wrists. Oh no. Are gazes met and we groaned, but I then laughed. "What are you laughing at soulmate?"

"YouhadOscarTheGrouchonyourhandforgodknowshowlong." I managed to say as I laughed. My gut hurt and tears were falling down my face as I continued to laugh. Once I calmed myself down, still chuckling as I opened and wiped my eyes, I saw Carmilla looking at me with a raised eyebrow, looking unimpressed.

"Are you done cupcake?" Carmilla asked in an annoyed monotone.

I nodded my head, trying to bite back a laugh that was threatening to spill out causing me to snort. "Yeah." And there it went. I was laughing once again as I heard Carmilla mutter "you're lucky you're cute". Well, she thinks I'm cute, she's definitely cute, but she's a grouch.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, no more laughing." I said with a smile that wasn't leaving my face anytime soon.

"Good. Now, since we are soulmates and roommates, best get to know each other, huh cutie?"

"Yeah, so uh, where do you want to start?" I said as I began to giggle again."

"Seriously cupcake. I get it. It's funny. I had to walk around with a fucking green raggedy muppet who lives in a damn trashcan on my arm for 19 years. You may be my soulmate but that doesn't mean that I won't...do something..." Now I was laughing even more. Carmilla's eyes reduced to slits as she glared at me and huffed.

"Okay, I'm done...I think. So um, tell me about yourself?" I asked trying to be serious. I kept telling myself "no more laughing" over and over again in my head, which is seeming to work.

"Well, I'm from East Austria, I'm majoring in philosophy, minoring in art. I like to travel, read, draw, I'm practically nocturnal."

"That's it?" I asked, "That's all I'm getting?"

"I need to keep some of my mystery, now tell me about yourself cutie."

"I was born in Canada, moved here to Austria when I was ten for my mothers job. My favorite color is yellow, I'm majoring in journalism. I'm an only child." I said with a shrug.

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