Chapter 29

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"Listen, you know I didn't want to come, right? So what is your problem, Logan. Why the hell can't you just let me be?" Even though I'm now sitting in his truck so damn close to him, anger is cursing through my veins whilst all the while my body is acting like a traitor and raging a war with my head.

His button down plaid shirt hugs him well and I can see a tattoo peeking out from the cuff. It looks like a sword or something. His shadow on his chiselled jaw needs to be caressed, only not by me. Yeah, keep reminding yourself of that one, Sage. Damn it to hell and back.

"I do know that, however, you need to get out and mingle a bit more, Sage. Everyone knows you're back in town and you don't want people to begin to turn the other way when they see you in the street. And how would it be if you wanted one of those pumpkin lattes you love so much in Bluebell's diner and everyone plain old ignored you and gave you dagger eyes? Well then how do you suppose you might feel? Then there's Daisy, she's dying to catch up with you. You can't just come lording it back in town because your life has gone to shit and then expect everyone to be nice to you when you're trying your damndest to ignore everyone."

Wow. "Quite some speech, Logan. You ever considered taking up public speaking?" I fold my arms in front of me. He's got my seat so far back that I can stretch my legs out, he's even put two damn checked pillows in the foot well for my ankle to be slightly raised. My question is, how did he know I would come out? I bet he's been talking to my mother. It wouldn't surprise me if she had something to do with it, I mean it's not like a guy goes around in a pick-up truck with homely, cosy cushions in it. Is it now? Exactly my point.

"No need to be so ratty. All I'm saying is that you can't hole yourself up at your folks house. You don't know when you're going to land a new job and right now we're all you've got so suck up and shut up." He keeps his eyes firmly on the road as we head for Lazy Duke's. I could have walked if I hadn't slipped and hurt my ankle. Not only have I had to be airlifted off the mountain, I've also got Logan having to drive me around to a bar that I don't even want to go to. Am I narking? You bet I am.

"I don't need you or anyone, Logan. I'm a grown up woman who has managed to get this far in life. Honestly, you should check yourself out first living up there in that damn cabin of yours like some kind of hermit." There take that with gloves off. And as much as I want to keep my eyes ahead of me, I simply can't. Logan is like a magnet, the force of him unsteadies me as I study him out of the corner of my eye. I'm not giving him the satisfaction of knowing I am checking him out. And why exactly am I doing that? Oh FFS, because I can't help it, alright. Happy?

"Everyone needs someone, Sage. With no job, no man and living back at your folks, personally I'd say you are a prize candidate for needing us all around to help you." He looks so smug that I want to slap him. He turns to face me and his molten eyes make my breath catch. The depth of warmth in them is the same as when he used to look at me when we were together. There is something still in them. This isn't good not by a long shot.

He hits his foot gently on the brake and the truck comes to a stop in front of the bar. "Sit tight and I'll come and get you."

"Oh for god's sake, I am not an invalid. I don't want the whole town talking about me, Logan. Just leave it. I can get out myself. I do not need you to come and get me out of the damn truck." Logan chuckles, it's deep and throaty my girl flower reacts. Oh for fuck's sake, really? What a traitorous bitch it is.

"Have it your own way, Sage Bennett. You always were a stubborn filly." Oh piss off is what I'm thinking if you want to know. This was a ridiculous idea but what were my choices. This or sitting at home with my mother clucking around me and singing the praises of Dr friggin Logan. At least here I can go and sit in a corner on one of the sofas and drink as much wine as I can to make me forget what a shit show my life is right now.

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now