S/O steals their hoodie (WIP)

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ik they don't have hoodies but for the fanfic, let's just say they do. pls.

It was cold. It was really really abnormally cold that day. During one of the adventures, you sneaked off to your room. You slipped into your room and dug around in your dresser only to find that any warm clothing was  G O N E. So you decided to steal your bf/gf's hoodie.


When he realized you weren't anywhere during the adventure he got a little bit worried but mostly annoyed. Usually you were near him so he could use you as an arm rest. He went to look for you in your room. As he waltzed down the obnoxiously bright and colorful hallway, he heard someone in his room. Only you had an extra key to his room and Caine could enter and exit any room as he pleased. He walked into his room with an irritated look on his face but it quickly turned into a smug smirk.

"Looks like someone was caught with their hand in the cookie jar, hm?" Jax teased, a wide grin on his face as he strolled over to you.

"I- um- well..." You stammered, trying to make some kind of excuse. As you nervously tugged at the sleeves of the warm jacket, you suddenly got scooped up by Jax.

"Relax toots, you can wear it, besides, It looks good on you" He joked and kissed your forehead.


Caine saw you sneak away. He didn't say anything though. When the adventure started he went to go look for you. You weren't in your room so he went to go check the little cozy nook that he made for you. He made it when you told him you had major sensory issues. It was a little dark corner with plushies and (Insert favorite cloth) blankets. He found you there, all wrapped up in a blanket and he immediately got worried. 

"Superstar...? Are you feeling alright? Is the lighting too much?" Caine asked in a hushed tone, worry written all over his face. He grabbed your hands before his eyes widened. 

"My my! You're freezing up!" He paused, squinting his eyes before patting your head. "If you wanted to borrow my jacket, you should've just asked, my dear"

He sat down next to you and gave you a hug and rested his head on top of yours.

"I love you, my superstar..."

I was only able to make these two guys. I got writers block and I'm gonna work on this later but if ya'll have any ideas that you want to share, please share.

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