Chapter 1

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Sophie... couldn't think. Didn't know what to do either.

She could just open and close her mouth,looking like a goldfish about to be swallowed.

Elysian... was a person?

It felt a lot like the day Fitz had brought her to the Lost Cities, forcing her to accept that everything she'd ever known was wrong.

All her planning.

All her research.

All of it was fake.

How did it even matter anymore?

She couldn't understand where she went wrong.No matter how much she thought she'd done,that she knew-everything was always a lie.

And where were her powers?

Why were they gone?

They were dropping into a void of misunderstanding, not like the void she was used to.

Keefe was the first to emerge.

"Right, and I'm Councillor Emery," he said sarcastically. "Who do you think you're kidding?"

"I would be careful about your word choice if I were you," Elysian warned him. "I can scorch you to ashes, make you one with the sky. On my command,you could be begging for your mother-and with the hatred I'm witnessing between you two,that seems very- unpleasant. "

"Nobody can be that powerful," Marella argued.

"Ah, but this is the flaw of many before you- they are unwilling to believe,even when the truth lies before their eyes.Who are we to accuse humans of pollution, of destruction, when their minds aren't open to believing that we exist,through no flaw of their own?"

Sophie managed to find her voice at this strange comment. "You seem to be very pro-human," she noted.

"That is a matter of discussion for another time. First, we must work on understanding each other. There is no need for any introduction of any sort from your side. I know about each one of you."

"That is impossible," Gisela argued.

"That word seems to be your favorite," Elysian commented. "I won't bother explaining to you-you're all so busy challenging me that you haven't noticed which way the winds are blowing.

Sophie hadn't thought about it,but...

Now she could see the gentle breeze wafting towards the cloaked figure,whispering to her, caressing the top of her head, like a mother would do to her child.

"This place is the best place to go to for a break!" she said,and Sophie got the feeling that if she removed her hood,she'd see her smiling.

But that wasn't what really mattered.

She gasped.

Fitz and Keefe said "What?" just as Marella, Maruca and Gisela said, "Did you find something?"

"You transferred some of your powers here,haven't you?" Sophie breathed.

Elysian smiled-or at least, Sophie assumed she was smiling. "Smart. I always had high expectations for you."

Fitz muttered something that started with "just because she's the moonlark" under her breath and Gisela rolled her eyes,but Sophie ignored both of them,as pieces clicked together faster.

"I've changed my mind," she breathed softly. "We don't need the help of a villain like you."


"After going through all this stress?"

"Yeah,Foster,I didn't risk capture by my mom for nothing! It isn't like the Sophie Foster I know to quit."

"We trusted you!"

"Seriously,Sophie? I could've done better if you'd talk to us before just doing what you want to!"

She closed her eyes to quiet the chaos of betrayed noises.

"I have a reason," she said softly. "You meant for us to lose Brumevale. You wanted Keefe to run away. You're responsible for everything- or should I say- your stones are.The throne Keefe sat on during that-that-"

Calling it The Thing at this point seemed so immature.

"Whatever - those were your stones. You wanted Gisela to find them. You want to ruin our lives."

A/N: Hello guys!

I reallyreallyreally wanted to write,and I love KOTLC, so I thought,why not write a fanfic for Book Ten? ( I'm not sure what book ten will be called,so I'm calling this Elysian.) In case you don't know...hi, I'm Aahana.There. Now you know my name! As for the ending....I'm just gonna leave you there for now, in true KOTLC style -this is only Chapter one,so I'll make sure my chapters are longer in future. In the meantime,please share and follow,and I swear,I'll update twice as quickly! <3

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