Exploring The New World Part 2

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3RD POV Location: Lastation

Y/N, Pico, Lucy, and RED had arrived in Lastation and Y/N was stunned to see the difference between Planeptune and Lastation. Lucy was eyeing the cosplay stores while Pico was eyeing the gun stores.

 Lucy was eyeing the cosplay stores while Pico was eyeing the gun stores

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Lucy: Calm down, Y/N. I get that the difference between Planeptune and Lastation is very major but you need to calm down.

Pico: *Looking at the gun store* Yeah, I agree.

Y/N: I see some cool arcades so maybe we can-*Bumps into someone* Oh, sorry about that.

???: Oh, it's okay. It's my fault for standing still.

Y/N: Yeah, I've been there. *Extends hand out for a handshake* I'm Y/N. Y/N Hatsune, what's your name?

???: I'm K-Sha, nice to meet you Y/N. New to Lastation?

Y/N: Kinda, my friends and I are exploring Gamindustri to get used to this world

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Y/N: Kinda, my friends and I are exploring Gamindustri to get used to this world. You see, my friends and I are from a different world and we ended up in this world. 

K-Sha: Seems you've had a rough time.

Pico: It's nothing, Lucy and Y/N went through worse heck they even fought a humanoid bomb.

K-Sha/RED: *Shocked* Really?!

Y/N: Yeah, it was tough but I managed to pull through.

Lucy: Y/N's stronger than he looks.

K-Sha: *Mentally* He does look cute and strong...wait, did I call him cute?

RED: *Mentally* I've made up my mind, Y/N's going to be my groom.

Y/N: You know, I'm getting kinda bored. K-Sha, do you know a good hangout spot?

K-Sha: *Smiles* Of course, I'll even bring a friend of mine.

Y/N: Thanks!

RED: *Grabs Y/N by the arm* Can we go get Ice Cream?

Y/N: *Sweat drops* I wish we could but we don't have credits-.

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