Exploring The New World Part 3

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I was waking up and found Noire was cuddling me like I was a teddy bear.

Y/N: *Mentally* Why does this keep happening to me?

I wanted to get up but with Noire's strength, I just laid in bed to sleep again.

Noire's POV

I woke up and saw Y/N's peaceful face He just looked so cute while asleep.

Noire: *Mentally* So cute. *Pokes Y/N's cheeks* I wish you had come to this dimension by yourself.

I kept poking his cheeks and looked at his hair, it's so similar to 5pb's hair color. I wonder if they're long-lost siblings.

Y/N: *Eyes closed* You do know I'm awake, right?

Noire: W-what!? Why didn't you say anything?!

Y/N: Because one, when someone pokes me I can't control my laughter. 

Y/N's POV Timeskip

After that, Noire slapped me in the cheek which I kinda deserved. Right now, I was eating breakfast and someone walked in.

???: So, you three must be Y/N Hatsune, Lucy Dearest, and Pico Fulp, correct?

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???: So, you three must be Y/N Hatsune, Lucy Dearest, and Pico Fulp, correct?

Y/N: Yeah, what's it to you?

???: Nothing, my name is Kei Jinguji and it's my job to get information and I learned about your condition.

Y/N: What condition?

Kei: According to an anonymous tip, that you three were corrupted and spread it to others, isn't that right? 

When Kei said, Y/N's face was covered in shadows while Pico looked confused and angered at the same time. What happened in their dimension and what is this "corruption"?

Pico: *Cold Tone* That's none of your damn business, boy.

Kei: I'm a girl.

Lucy: Look, we're trying to forget that and are planning on how to save the ones we've corrupted. But there is one thing on my mind, who would know about us being corrupted? We never told anyone yet.

Kei: I'll try to get more info on the anonymous tip, so don't worry. Oh, Mr. Hatsune?

Y/N: Y-Yeah?

Kei: Don't lose hope.

Y/N: *Smiles* Thanks, I won't lose hope that easily. If I managed to free Pico and Lucy then I can save the others as well. Also, just call me Y/N.

Y/N looks cute with that smile. I noticed something on his right arm and looked closer and saw it looked like a claw with blood on it.

 I noticed something on his right arm and looked closer and saw it looked like a claw with blood on it

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