Subplot: A Date(?) With Noire

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Noire's POV

I woke up after having a dream about Y/N and getting married, why did I fall for a guy like him? I got up, got dressed, and walked into the living room I saw Uni making breakfast with Lucy while Y/N was playing a game on his phone while Pico was waiting for the food to be done.

Y/N: *Playing a game* C'mon Sonic! You can do it!

Pico: Hey Lucy, how much will it take to be done with breakfast?

Lucy: Right now!

Y/N: *Looks up* Wow, this looks very good!

Uni: *Blushes* You really think so?

Y/N: Yeah! I can't wait to eat it!

Y/N and Pico started eating while Lucy took Uni and me to the side to speak with us about something. 

Lucy: So Noire, are you planning to take Y/N on a date soon?

Noire: N-No!... maybe.

Uni: He is cute and kind-hearted.

Lucy: Well, I'll let you go on a date with him today, and don't worry I'll tell Y/N about me sharing with you and the others.

I blushed after hearing Lucy say that I could have a date with Y/N. I looked over to see that Y/N was finished eating and I walked up to him.

Y/N: Oh, hey Noire, what's up?

Noire: *Mentally* OK, stay calm down. Just ask him out. *Out loud* Do you want to hang out with me today?

Y/N: Sure! What do you have in mind?

Noire: Well, that's a surprise... Don't think of this as a date!

Y/N: Don't worry, I'm already dating Lucy and I won't cheat on her.

Noire: *Mentally* Is he that dense?

Y/N's POV Timeskip

I was waiting for Noire to get ready, while I was waiting, I was listening to music and I liked one song named "Again".

???: I'm ready.

I looked up to see who I think is Noire but her hair was white and had blue eyes wearing a black dress. 

A/N: Ignore the sword

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A/N: Ignore the sword.

Y/N: Is that you, Noire?

???: Yes but call me Black Heart, you should feel honored that you get to see me in my HDD form.

Y/N: Why are you dressed like we're going on a date? We're just hanging out as friends.

Black Heart: That's a secret. Let's just go.

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