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Piracy is not so different from ordinary robbery. Pirates are more agile and armed than ordinary thieves who are on land. The thieves themselves are trying to move to the sea, which is not so easy to do if you don't have a boat or something like that, and even if you do find a boat, you will have a long way to become a pirate, you need to be nimble, brave, not afraid of water or what is in the water and a lot lot of more.

And most importantly, you will have to somehow get out from the bay of Katenginia (unless of course you don't live in Katolis). There is an evil Admiral, Viren Trendind in that bay with his children, Claudia and Soren. They are those who guard the bay from Intruders, those Intruders may be...

Those who go out to the open sea without a license, or those who like to steal from the holds of ship's guards. And there may also be former pirates who wanted to live among people again like in the old days.

All the people in the Kingdom of Katolis know about the Bay of Katenginia. Many of these people come up with all sorts of scary legends stories and even fairy tales about the terrible thieves and Pirates who, according to some achieves, are there in the bay of Katenginia. But only few people knows about the pirates that are not that scary as the stories is saying about them. Those pirates is saling in the spining sea.

There are not so many of them there, there is a whole group of pirates, they call themselves the Red breeds. Their leader is Janai, who took the place of her sister, who died in the battle between the Red Breeds and the Black Skeletons (If you read this book further, you will learn about the Battle that happened between these groups)

And there is also a Single ship that sails across the endless sea and that teaches rich sailors who are trying to sell their rich things in Xadia or in Katolis. They are calling them selvs the Banthers, nobody in Katolis knows about them at all, and even most of the pirates dosen't know about them. But still there is some few of them that nows something about this ship. 

Banthers are not the strongest and most noble pirates in the whole pirate community, as the Red Breeds is saying about them, they are helping shipwrecked sailors or merchant ships who got lost in the spining sea. They don't make money from robbery( sometimes ) or capture shipmen and ask for ransom. They can say that they hardly engage in piracy, but they still do some kind of it. They board ships from the KL company, which secretly exports all sorts of things for dark magic without Xadia's knowledge. That company is sponsored by Viren Trendind. He is secretly the director of that company. He unloads them at the Bay of Katenginia, and checks whether everything is in place in the holds and then sends them to famous dark magicians.

But recently their holds were almost empty or the ships did not sail at all, only small boats sailed with sailors who were exhausted from the long way in the sea. They talked about some pirates who poured all the contents of the holds into the ocean and then took all the gold and valuable things like books, with them. Then they put the sailors into boats and sent them out to the sea, and then they set fire to the ship.

Viren understands that something needs to be done and sends his children to the open sea with one ship that is equipped with everything that is necessary. And together with them they put a family of elves. This family consists of a blacksmith, a navigator and a young sailor.

The family itself doesn't know that they work for a company that supplies things for dark magic, and as Viren thinks, it's better for them not to know about it. Otherwise, they may have problems with Katolis and Xadia. And because of that, he silenced everyone who works for him.

But this silence will not last long, after sailing some time away from the bay, a storm begins, which destroys the barriers of silence...

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