Chapter 3: The captur and maybe a new friend?

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As the ships was still near them and the boy was still standing waiting for there answer, Rayla's apprehension grew. She exchanged wary glances with Captain Soren and Eva, uncertain of the intentions of the crew on that ship. The boy with brown hair stood at the helm, his demeanor relaxed but his eyes sharp as they surveyed the merchant ship.

"We should proceed with caution," Captain Soren advised, his voice low but resolute. "Prepare for any possibility, but do not show hostility unless provoked."

Rayla nodded, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword as she watched the boy was still standing. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that beneath the guise of 'traders', the crew harbored darker intentions.

As the two ships was still in a tense atmosphere, the boy called out in a friendly tone, his voice carrying across the water. " What is your answer?" 

Captain Soren eyed the boy warily, and said "We are saying yes, to your offer."

Rayla studied the boy and his crew, her instincts screaming that they were not who they claimed to be. "I don't trust them, Captain," she admitted, her voice low but firm. "I fear they may be someone else in the ship."

Eva nodded in agreement, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "Agreed. We must proceed with caution and be prepared for anything."

With their decision made, Captain Soren stepped forward to address the boy on the other ship. "We will hear what you have to say," he called out, his voice steady. "But know that we are prepared to defend ourselves if necessary."

The boy nodded in understanding, his expression betraying no hint of deception. "Of course, Captain. We mean you no harm."

As the parley began, tensions remained high on both ships. Rayla watched the exchange closely, her hand never straying far from her sword. But as the negotiations progressed, it became increasingly clear that the other crew had no intention of peacefully parting ways.


Suddenly, chaos erupted as the pirates launched a surprise attack on the merchant vessel. Rayla sprang into action, her sword flashing in the moonlight as she fought off the attackers alongside her fellow crewmates.

In the heat of battle, Rayla found herself locked in combat with the captain of the pirate ship, a formidable opponent with skills to match her own. Their swords clashed with a resounding clang as they fought for control of the deck.

But as the battle raged on, Rayla's footing slipped on the slick deck, sending her tumbling overboard and into the cold embrace of the sea below. As she struggled to stay afloat, she caught a glimpse of the cargo being transported by there own ship, her blood running cold at the sight of the dark magic components hidden within.

Before she could process what she had seen, strong arms pulled her from the water, dragging her aboard the pirate ship. As she gasped for breath, she found herself face to face with the captain, her heart pounding with fear and uncertainty.

"We cannot let you return to your ship," the captain said grimly, her voice leaving no room for argument. "But fear not, you will not come to harm. You will join us as an ash-monger, ensuring our safety on the high seas."

With that, Rayla was taken below deck, her fate now intertwined with that of the pirates. As the ship sailed away into the night, leaving behind the wreckage of the battle, Rayla could only wonder what will happend to he now.....


As Rayla regained consciousness, the cold, damp air of the ship's hold enveloped her like a suffocating embrace. Her head throbbed with pain from the impact of the fall, and her limbs felt heavy and sluggish as she tried to move. Slowly, the events of the battle came flooding back to her—the chaos, the clash of swords, the icy plunge into the sea.

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