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All news is out everyone knows I stole the Dream Island Firey told everybody. what was I supposed to do No one wanted to talk to me or wanted to see me compete or exist. what was I left to do. It's the second episode maybe everything will go well maybe it might take some time, but everything might be better. Pencil got eliminated I heard I could not go near, or I would have been uncomfortable everyone stares at me with rage even Grassy.

I could hear everyone yell wanting 4 to recover their friends I wish I had friends but I'm fine alone I'm not eating yoyle berries I don't use my knifes to kill I'm fine right.

Four made the challenge to save people from the jaw brakers to be safe to be honest Maybe not everyone hates me sometimes 4 talk to me when I can't sleep but only because he hates the fact, I never get sleep and sometimes almost wakes everyone up just to get me to lay down but there's no time for that I tried to grab a Jaw breaker but was unsuccessful but thankfully my team got one. they were licking it but I decided to use my knifes but they broke on contact. my team moved the jawbreaker away from me I didn't know if there was someone in there but maybe it was for the best.

I sat down and watched everyone do the contest having fun, planning, arguing yet here I am watching and sitting doing nothing I had nothing to do. a jawbreaker rolled to me no one noticed I was licking it slowly like really slowly I made progress.

a few hours later I was still licking this jawbreaker I heard that my team lost so I just stopped licking thankfully someone was in there it was taco but when she saw me she ran away in fear I was sad she ran away but I saved someone that was something maybe this is the start for a new me.

I saw Ballony he had no air I got a gas pump Cloudy was watching I was pumping air, but Ballony yelled to stop I stooped and tied him up but then he started flying Cloudy went to get him, but he popped the air I had was not for ballons it looks. Cloudy stared at me with one of the worst stares a contestants gave me but somehow Grassy was more menacing but I ran away Cloudy looking at me nonstop I messed up didn't I.


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This is a new au I thought of in my dream idk if you liked what you just read but I hope you did and tune in for more soon


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Everybody hates YOU. BFB AUWhere stories live. Discover now