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GB yelled once again I ran outside to get the others. when everyone came everyone looked sad somebody was looking at the own work or something did this who knows who could have done this Leafy ran outside to get air, I noticed her couch was stabbed all around and then I went Into GB room and saw a little blood on her Pillow. wait if Leafy couch was stabbed multiple times why did all of attack not hit Leafy.

I ran outside and looked at Leafy on the bench she looked like she felt bad about something I think I know what happened and who the murderer is.

GB yelled again Blocky than ran outside to get the others. when everyone came everyone looked sad and I caused this. I killed him after he tried to kill me was I in the right I mean he did not attack me I could not handle this and said I was going outside to get some air no one cared either way. I sat down on a bench and looked at my hands I felt disappointed with myself. I kept sitting breathing some air and then I heard the door opened I ignored it but then.

Your the one who killed TB aren't you Leafy if you truly got attacked why was it only your head you should have been stabbed like 8 times all around. Leafy got up trying to look innocent.

I did not do it I said trying to convince Blocky but the look in his eyes it told me he knew to much. what was I going to do I tried to run away but he grabbed my leg and started dragging me toward the house. If they found out I would be dead I kicked him with all my might knocking him down I got up and ran but Blocky tackled me. I gave up trying I closed my eyes.

and then was a shout.

BLOCKY GET OFF OF HER YOU STUPID MURDERER. GB said to me. What do you mean murderer? I spoke. I KNOW YOU DID THIS EVERYONE ROOM IS MESSED UP EXCEPT YOURS. Gb Yelled aggressively I tried to say something else but then everyone came out the house grabbing me and helping Leafy like she was innocent. I tried to tell them what I saw but they covered my mouth with duct tape tied me up and them I heard everyone I every knew saying Kill.





I watched as Blocky was about to get crushed by flower announcer crushed like what happened to me in bfdi 25 it got closer and closer and then Blood splattered everywhere. everyone cheered some were disgusted some was happy and GB was Crying tears like she got revenge for TB. but deep down I knew I was the one who killed him I got blocky killed and I felt

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