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First there was panic. Then there was evacuation. But no point they followed them no matter what they were going to die....

Part 1 Leafy insanity is over

Part 2 Killomg spree.

Golfball evacuated everyone to yoyle city. Pin shared the word instantly everyone knew leafy was the murderer. But instead of killing her. They ran away match didn't want to leave but pencil forced her. Match wanted to find bubble and save her. Not knowing her fate has been sealed.

However while the evacuation was happening leafy followed watching everyone no one heard her. It was like everyone was ignoring her or just there footsteps drowned out the sound of her. The same thing repeated in leafy head. "KILL THEM BEFORE THEY KILL YOU" Leafy would never forget such words as she watched and walked in the same direction unknowned.

It took 8 months for them to make the trail it was grueling. Golfball thought everyone was saved and peace would be restored. Leafy watched an almost bursted into laughter. Peace was not here and it's going to get worse from there. But who was going to be dead next..... someone no one would notice. A character that would take so long to realize who was gone.

David?? Roboty??? It could be anyone people hate. Maybe flower everyone thinks she as bad as her or maybe pencil as she's been becoming ruder. Or maybe. Then leafy thought of a kill. But this time she said screw it and did someone people would most likely notice. Good old ballony and Cloudy....

Leafy laughed maniacly. As she grabbed a yoyle berry ate it a ln

5 hours later


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Ok I got lazy I'm sorry

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Ok I got lazy I'm sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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