Part 5

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In 1914

In new Orleans

Kol and Finn have gained the trust of half of the witches and are leaders and mentors to them. While other half are loyal to Niklaus because of fear of death.

Niklaus was not happy that all the new Orleans witches don't worship him. He went to one of their gatherings with Gabriel, Elijah and Rebekah only to find Kol and Finn as the ones whom they trust. He wasn't happy with that and demanded Kol and Finn to tell the witches to follow him.

Kol and Finn refused and said we won't let you abuse them for power.

Gabriel and Elijah convinced Niklaus and Kol-Finn to stay with them for a while now that we are in the same city. Some family reunion is over due.

Niklaus let's them stay in his home but he and the others continue to treat Kol and Finn as outsiders.

When Marcel was introduced Kol was hurt that their family doesn't treat him and Finn as family but treats an outsider as family.

Kol would take jabs at Marcel which didn't go well with Niklaus and the others.

Kol and Marcel developed an antagonist equation while Finn and Marcel shared a civil equation.

Kol and Finn put a stop to the harvest ritual as they didn't want innocent witches to die for power. This didnt go well with the witches who followed Niklaus.

The witches of the whole city are divided into two groups one who is with Niklaus and the other who are with Kol and Finn.

Finn would do magic in her and Kol's playhouse with the witches loyal to them.

No one knows about the playhouse.

Both Kol and Finn were tired of how they were being treated by Niklaus and the others doing nothing to stop him, decided to create a gold dagger to neutralize Niklaus which would hurt Niklaus even more because of his dormant werewolf side.

They asked their favourite witch Mary - Alice Claire's help. She agreed to help.

Finn and Mary - Alice did that under the guidance of Kol. They needed a bigger diamond for it, a paragon diamond. They discussed where they could find it and decided to get it and create the dagger.

Kol and Finn were successful in getting the paragon diamond but Niklaus and Marcel take it from them and Niklaus warn them not to do anything that they will regret.

Both Kol and Finn were frustrated but didn't lose hope. They decided to look for it in Niklaus' room during the Christmas Ball.

When Kol and Finn were searching for it, Rebekah came and told them to stop it and come down, Niklaus would notice. Kol tells her about their plan of daggering Niklaus. Rebekah says you are not serious. Finn says we are dead serious. Kol tries to persuade Rebekah to side with them. Rebekah pretends to be on their side and leaves to tell Niklaus about it.

Kol come down as it was time for the toast while Finn was still looking for the diamond. Hearing Niklaus' speech Kol realise that Rebekah snitched on them. He tries to leave but Gabriel, Elijah, Niklaus and Marcel stop him and they dagger him in front of the guests while Rebekah had a smile on her face that Kol got daggered. Hearing the commotion, Finn came out and tries to undagger Kol. However there are numerous witches who starts giving her anermysm.

Marcel on Niklaus' orders take Kol's body to the coffin.

Finn is in pain but no one tries to help her. Niklaus says you only have loyalty to Kol, were you loyal to me to us this wouldn't have happened. Those witches would not be trapped in a mental asylum

Hearing that statement Finn got really angry and overpowered the witches and made them unconscious.

Gabriel says Finn stop this.

Elijah says you don't have to do this.

Finn says you all are not mine and Kol's family. You treated us like outsiders and Rebekah you think that Niklaus' wouldn't dagger you, then you are wrong. You are a betrayer and truly pathetic. Saying this Finn vamps out from the house.

She saves the witches from the asylum and they thanked Finn and said that they would forever be loyal.

Finn say thanks but Kol had been daggered. I have to leave but before that we have to seal the playhouse.

Mary - Alice and Finn sealed the playhouse with their blood and magic. This can only be opened with magic and blood of the Mikaelsons and Claires.

After this Finn and the witches left new Orleans. While the witches settled in the outskirts of new Orleans because of them using ancestral magic while Finn settled in New York.

Finn summoned Kol's spirit through his magical bracelet.

Actually, Kol had a vision when he was 14 years old of being turned into vampires and losing magic. To calm him down Finn gave him a bracelet infused with her and his magic so that if it ever happens, he would always have a part of magic with himself.

Kol said they daggered him in front of the guests just like that Finn all because Rebekah snitched on us.

Finn says I know Kol but there is something else you need to you. She tells about the witches being trapped in the asylum, her saving them and sealing the playhouse.

Kol says don't know for how long I would be daggered.

Finn says I can try to locate you Kol.

Kol say no Finn, Niklaus would do something to you and others as usual would let it happen. I want you safe. Let's just wait.

Finn says ok Kol.

Like this many years passed. Finn went to psychiatrist to get herself checked and got diagnosed with OCD, Schizophrenia, GAD, and DID. Finn told Kol about this and motivated Finn to fight.

Finn herself became a psychiatrist because she wanted to help people with mental illness.

Since 1914, Every year on Henrik's death anniversary Finn would pay a visit to mystic falls to pay her respects.

In 2010

At mystic falls

After paying the respects to Henrik, Finn was tying the laces of her shoes,

A person was walking beside Finn, and she thought that he would pass her but what didn't happen, he snapped her neck.

She got kidnapped.

When she opened her eyes she finds herself in a house with the doppelganger which shocks her. She saw her kidnappers were Rose - Marie and Trevor.

Finn asked why did you kidnap me?

Rose replies I don't know your part in breaking the curse but Klaus is looking for you.You are just the bonus. We would get our freedom, no one can stop us.

The doppelganger introduces herself to Finn as Elena and says don't worry my friends are getting here, we will be saved.

Finn thinks she doesn't know that I am an original and neither does Rose - Marie and Trevor. Also they don't know about me being a heretic. She decided to play the victim and sat in silence.

Suddenly Finn comes face to face with her brother Elijah. Elijah after checking Elena says Finn it's been a long time. We should get going.

He kills Trevor for being not loyal.

Salvatore brothers comes and kills Elijah or so they thought. Damon asks who the hell are you?

Finn replies I am Finn, I was kidnapped with your friend. Now if you don't mind I would be burying him. Thank you for saving me too.

After the brothers left with Elena, Finn takes out the stake from Elijah and waits for him to wake up.

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