Part 37

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After a month

A new term has started. All the teachers and students are very excited for the term except Hope. She has been at the school for a month but has not talked to a single person well except Emery but they are not friends.

Kol, Finn, Alaric, Stefan, Caroline are busy running the school while Damon and Elena are on recruitment missions.

Jace, Alec, Emery, Lizzie and Lexi were all sitting together with their friends.

Now it was time for Kol's class of History of supernaturals. Even hope had to attend this class. The topic was The Original hybrid. Hope didn't like this class as it portrayed her father in a bad light. Hope started to feel angry and had an outburst. Kol says Hope are you okay? Why did you had an outburst?

Hope says because of the way you were talking about the original hybrid. What do you know about him? You talk about him as if you know him. And why is nobody saying anything. You say that in this school no one judges anyone but here you are judging the original hybrid.

What Kol says next shocks her.

Kol says I actually do know him. He is my older brother. I have seen him do those cruel deeds or listened from him about it. But why are you getting defensive of him?

Hope says I need to go.

Kol says you should go meet Finn. Tell her that I had sent you.

Students begin to whisper amongst themselves for what Hope did.

Kol continue teaching them about the original hybrid.

At Kol and Finn's cabin

Hope knocks on the door. Finn says come in.

Hope says Kol has sent me here.

Finn says why, what happened?

Hope tells her everything.

Finn says oh Hope, we just tell the students about evil supernatural creatures so that they don't follow that path. You shouldn't talk to your teacher like that. About Kol knowing the original hybrid, both me and Kol are his siblings. We know how he is.

Hope says did you tell him about Emery being your daughter?

Finn says I have children Jace, Alec and Emery and I am a mother figure to Caroline's daughters Lizzie and Lexi and I did what was necessary to protect them from all evils. You will learn about this in the upcoming classes. Let's do some breathing exercises to calm you down.

After the exercises were done, Hope left Finn's cabin and decided to talk to her mom about Kol, Finn and her children.

Hope was telling Hayley about Kol and Finn.

Hayley had to tell Hope that yes they are your father's siblings but they are not family. They also conspired against your father and his family. Because of them only your family was away from you for 13 years Hope.

Hope says Finn has three children.

Hayley says what I wasn't aware of that. But you cannot get close to them Hope. If they come to know about you then they would tell Kol and Finn.

Hope says ok mom bye. And cuts the call.

After hearing what her mother had said about Kol and Finn, Hope started to dislike them but still somewhere in her heart she wishes to be close to the triplets with this thought in mind she slept.

After 7 years

In this 7 years Hope didn't try to participate in the school, she wasn't into making friends, going into parties at school. Her dislike for Kol and Finn increased over the years. This is out in the open too that for some reason Hope dislikes them. Kol and Finn didn't give much thought about it. But the students did. They didn't like it one bit that Hope dislikes two of their favourite people in the school. The triplets and the twins share a hostile relationship with her because of this.

Twins and the triplets were in a car accident when the triplets were 17 and twins were 16. They turned into heretics.

At present

Hope was talking to her mother how she is tired of pretending to be Hope Marshall. I am Hope Mikaelson the tribrid. This was all heard by a student named Henry who was a new student and was having troubles fitting in.

After sometime

He goes to Hope and asks for her blood. He says he wants to become a hybrid.

Hope says why are you asking for my blood?

Henry says because you are hope Mikaelson not Hope Marshall. I heard you talking with your mom Hope. I won't tell your secret to anyone but you have to turn me into a hybrid.

Hope says I want money too. You would give me $500 dollars and I would give you my blood. Deal.

Henry says deal.

After 4 months

It's spring break. Some students including Hope are going home while majority of the students are staying at the boarding school. Hope is going to meet Henry to give him her blood and take the money from him.

After that Hope went to New Orleans with her mother.

While Henry was in his room alone. He drank Hope's blood and then had overdose of sleeping pills and died. He woke up and drank Hope's blood to complete the transition. His emotions got magnified, he could hear things from miles away. He goes out and was talking to one of his friends. She hugged him and he starts losing control and bites her which killed her because his bite started as a vampire bite but it got changed to werewolf bite. The students saw that, the witches pushed Henry away from the vampire. He growls at them showing his hybrid face. Thankfully Caroline and Finn came as one of the students had went to call them.

They see Henry as a hybrid and get shocked.

Finn says Henry, you are a hybrid.

Caroline says you killed someone

Henry gets scared and vamps away before anyone can stop him.

The students whisper around how he became a hybrid.

Finn says the only way he could become a hybrid is by drinking Klaus' daughter's blood.

Caroline says he was from New Orleans where Klaus' daughter resides.

Finn says we have to talk to Hayley and I will ask one of the witch teachers to do a locator spell to find Henry.

Caroline says we also have to inform the girl's family about her death.

Alaric, Kol and Stefan come from outside and are shocked to see a student dead.

Caroline tells them everything.

Finn says let the girl's family know and prepare for her funeral. Me and Caroline would go to New Orleans to talk to Hayley. Can you ask one of the witch teachers to do a locater spell to find Henry?

Kol says ok.

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