Part 38

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At New Orleans

At Niklaus mansion

Caroline and Finn entered the mansion. Hayley came and ask them the reason for the visit.

Caroline says something has happened at school. A student has died.

Hayley says that's sad but that still doesn't explain why you both came here.

Finn says the student was killed by a hybrid, vampire-werewolf hybrid.

Caroline says and only your daughter can create them. We have to talk to her.

Hayley says my daughter hasn't done anything. There must be a loophole.

Finn says you trust your daughter blindly. If you use your vampire hearing then you can hear your daughter talking to Henry who became the hybrid.

Hayley says Finn don't accuse my daughter unnecessarily.

Finn just vamps to the room where Hope and Henry were while Hayley and Caroline follow her.

Finn says Hope Marshall. Oh no you are not Hope Marshall, you are Hope Mikaelson, Klaus' daughter.

Caroline says what?

Hayley says she had to protect her daughter.

Finn says your daughter would have been protected at the school.

Hayley say can we talk downstairs?

They all went downstairs

Caroline says explain

Hayley says I wanted a better life for my daughter and the Salvatore boarding school was the only chance.

Finn says no one would have judged her for being a Mikaelson.

Hayley says just because your children aren't judged that doesn't mean it would have been the case for Hope.

Caroline says we even thought about your daughter when we opened the school. That someday we might have to enrol her.

Finn says but you put all the students and teachers at risk by saying that your daughter is just a witch.

Hayley says I am sorry but I had to do that.

Finn says now everyone would know that she lied. That she isn't Hope Marshall but Hope Mikaelson.

Hayley says you can't tell everyone.

Caroline says it's the protocol. We have to do this Hayley I am sorry.

Finn says your daughter created a hybrid, why?

Hayley says Hope is what Finn and Caroline true? That you turned this boy named Henry into a hybrid.

Hope just looks down.

Henry says it's not Hope's fault. I went to her and asked for her blood. She just wanted some money.

Caroline says how did you find out that she is Hope Mikaelson?

Henry says I heard her talking to her mom.

Finn says instead of telling the teachers you used that information for your own gain.

Henry says I am sorry.

Caroline says why you wanted to become a hybrid?

Henry says I was having trouble fitting in. I thought that if I am a hybrid, I would be special and fit in easily.

Finn says oh Henry that's not the case. It takes time to fit in and if anybody was troubling you, you should have come to us or went to the honour council or student administrative body.

Suddenly they hear angry vampires come in

Finn says Marcel

Hayley says what brings you all here Marcel?

Marcel replies your daughter and this boy Henry.

Greta one of the angry vampires says we have heard how you enrolled your daughter under the name of Hope Marshall, a witch, how she created a hybrid for her own motives. You have taught her no responsibility Hayley. And Finn, Caroline how come nobody found about her lies. It says carelessness on your part.

Both Finn and Caroline look down.

Marcel says we are here to take Henry and deal with him. He is a threat to all of us.

Hayley says I will teach Henry control so that he is not a threat. I am a hybrid and I am not a threat to all of you.

Greta says look at this woman who lost her only daughter because of your daughter's selfishness.

Henry says Hope isn't selfish.

Finn realises something and says Henry is sired to Hope.

Hayley says what?

Caroline says he has been defending her just like Tyler used to defend Klaus before he broke the sirebond.

Greta says see he is a danger to all of us. He must be killed and set as an example that anybody who is a threat to us, would endure the same punishment.

Hayley says no, you are not killing Henry.

Finn says that was the whole point of the school of being accepted without any judgements.

Caroline says Finn's right Marcel. We have to help Henry. Yes, he killed someone, it was an accident . He didn't mean to kill Sofia. We can't turn our backs on him for one mistake.

Marcel says we have lived in peace for more than 13 years. But this incident has shaken up that peace. Don't make me regret my decision. Hayley can teach her control we won't come in between. But if he does another mistake that put all of us at risk then he is dead.

Hayley says thank you Marcel.

And Marcel and his vampire army left the mansion although Greta and some of her friends wasn't happy with Marcel's decision.

Hayley says do you even realise what you have done Hope?

Henry says it isn't Hope's fault.

Hayley says Finn if you could please.

Finn with her magic snaps his neck.

Hope says I didn't know this would happen.

Finn says you cannot say that you didn't know this would happen. Why do you think we teach vampires how to control their bloodlust.

Caroline says before you do something you have to consider the consequences.

Hayley says they are right Hope. You cannot create something without the consequences. You turned Henry into a hybrid. Now he is one of the 4 hybrids to exist. He is being considered a threat now because of you. You both were stupid and created this mess for your selfishness.
All the three factions have been living in peace for more that 13 years. Do you realise how much it would have taken to reach that peace?

Hope says I wasn't thinking much just that I needed to see dad and I needed money for it.

Hayley says Hope you both cannot be in close proximity, you know that.

Hope says yeah. I just wanted to be with him. I miss him.

Hayley says I know. But because of this, everyone would find out that you are Hope Mikaelson. And The whole point of sending you to Salvatore boarding school was to keep you safe and you don't draw attention to yourself.

Finn says now that we know, we cannot let this ruse to continue. We have to tell everyone at the Salvatore boarding school about Hope and what she did with Henry. I am sorry

Caroline says it's still an option whether you want Hope to continue at Salvatore boarding school. If she continues it would as Hope Mikaelson.

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