Part 14

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As per Caroline's plan Finn called Elena from Stefan's phone and tells her about Stefan sleeping with Caroline at her house.

Hearing that Elena entered Kol and Finn's home in a jealousy manner and started accusing Caroline. Stefan defended Caroline and lashed out at Elena.

When Elena tried to leave the house she got stopped by Silas' spell. She asks Finn to take off the spell.

Kol says can't do much. Silas trapped us in and Finn can't siphon it out as when she touches the spell, it burns her hand.

Finn starts calling Damon from Stefan's phone asking him to kill Silas before sun down otherwise we will keep torturing his precious Elena Gilbert . To prove her point she gives anermysm to Elena.

Damon asks Finn to stop and she does. He says he needs Silas to bring Bonnie back.

Finn tells him Silas wouldn't do that after seeing the anchor.

Damon say why?

Finn tells him powerful spells like creating other side are bound to power agents. Qetsiyah bound the other side to something that could exist for 2,000 years. She didn't kill Amara instead made her the anchor to the other side.

Hearing that Damon cuts the call and goes to stop Silas.

Kol, Finn, Caroline and Stefan sat in silence hoping that Damon kills Silas successfully. While Elena was thinking about Stefan and Caroline.

The sun is down and all of them were free to go. Stefan, Caroline and Elena left.

After a couple of hours Kol and Finn went to the Salvatore boarding house to ask Damon about Silas

Damon tells them that Amara hurted Silas and drank the cure running in Silas' blood. She is mortal now. And I don't know where Silas is? I was busy trying to get a hold of Amara.

What do you mean Damon? says Kol

Damon takes them to where he has kept Amara.

All of them (Damon, Elena, Caroline, Finn, Kol, Stefan, Jeremy, Matt, Tyler) were watching Amara from outside, seeing her try to harm herself.

Finn went inside and calmed Amara down but she wants to kill herself.

Kol says if that happens the other side would be destroyed.

Caroline says can't we make a new anchor to the other side?

Finn says she can make Bonnie the anchor to the other side and she would be alive then.

All the members of Elena saving gang agreed.

Finn started doing the spell but Silas interrupted it. Silas takes Amara and kills her and Stefan kills Silas while Finn successfully resurrect Bonnie and make her the anchor to the other side.

Finn says once Bonnie dies then the next generation witch would become the anchor till the Bennett bloodline shall last. The moment Bennett bloodline ends, the other side would collapse and all the people dead would come back into the world of living. Remember it Bonnie, don't take any rash decisions.

Kol says let's go Finn. We have a flight to catch tomorrow.

While Finn was resurrecting Bonnie, Kol was making flight bookings for himself and Finn.

Caroline says you are going.

Kol says yes, we have some business to attend. It's a bit confidential. So no questions please.

Caroline says ok, have a safe journey.

All of them said goodbye to Kol and Finn. They left the Salvatore boarding house and went to pack at their home.

Next day

Both Kol and Finn boarded the flight to New Orleans. In the flight, they kept on thinking about their vengeance.

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