Chapter 1: Pawn.

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Ayanoukoji POV.

This is my first time riding a bus, so I'm quite nervous. Another reason that makes me nervous is that I will attend school for the first time in my life. I have never actually been with this many people before, so I can not stay still and glance all over the place.

"Can't you calm down a little? You like a little kid." Suddenly, a girl with long black hair spoke to me.

"Sorry, I'm kind of excited to attend our new school." She wears the same uniform as me, so I guess we go to the same school.

She slowly stared at me and tried to observe me. Honestly, when a beautiful girl stares at me like this, it makes me quite nervous.

"Your expression doesn't seem like you're excited at all." Her face slowly came closer than before, calm down me!

"Well, maybe you are right; considering we will attend the most elite school in Japan, it is normal to get excited." Finally! she pulled her face back from me, fuhh.

"My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

"Did you just introduce yourself?" Ehh, did I mess up? Do people not introduce themselves when meeting new people? Oh god, I want to bury myself right now.


"Pftt, don't be so nervous; it is not like I will eat you. My name is Horikita Suzune." Well, that was unexpected.

"Nice to meet you, Horikita."

"Me to, Ayanoukouji-kun. Now, if you excuse me, I want continue reading my novel, so don't bother me anymore." Horikita immediately went back to reading her novel. Well, even though she was a little cold, at least she was a good person. Well, I guess I just sleep until the bus arrives at school.



"Ayanokouji..." I feel like someone is calling my name...

"Ayanoukoji-kun!" I open my eyes and see Horkita try to wake me up.

"Sigh, finally, how long are you going to sleep." After realising that we had already arrived, I immediately got up from my chair and tried to fix my hair.

"S-sorry, thank you for waking me up."

"Hehehe cute~." I see six girls beside Horikita, and five of them are giggling at me, and one just smiles warmly at me. This is so embarrassing, and I have not even entered the school yet.

"No problem; say, Ayanoukoji-kun, what class you are in?" Horikita asked.

"Class-B." I answer while still trying to fix my hair.

"Good, they are from the same class as you; you should walk with them." Horikita quickly walked away from here. Wait, don't leave me alone! Horikita, without looking back, just keeps walking while brushing her long hair. What are you, some handsome protagonist!?

I slowly turn my head in the direction of my classmates, whose names I don't even know. Why am I still here, just to suffer?

"Errr, my name is..." I try to introduce myself while still trying to fix my hair.

"Ayanoukoji Kiyotaka right? How long are you going to try to fix your hair, Hehehe, let me help fix your hair, silly." The girl with blue eyes and pink hair suddenly said my name and immediately help me fix my hair. This is so embarrassing.

"Y-yes, how did you..." It is understandable if she only knows my last name because she heard Horikita shout my name, but...

"Horikita-san told us." Of course, she is the one telling them my name, Why? because she thinks I can't even introduce myself? if she thinks that, she's damn right!

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