Chapter 3: Date

491 36 16

Kiyotaka POV.

All the classes are finally over, and it's just the first day, but I'm already bored. Guess that happened when someone already learned all the subject materials. Ichinose suddenly starts walking towards the podium; she must want to talk about the private point.

"Minna!, sorry to bother everyone again, but I have something important to discuss." Everyone should start paying attention to Ichinose. What a bunch of good kids!

"Did anybody find anything weird about this private point system?" Ichinose asked, but only Kanzaki answered her.

"Yes, to be honest, it is too nice to be true. I think there is some catch." Everyone started whispering to each other and started to worry.

"Thank you, Kanzaki-kun. Like Kanzaki-kun said, there must be some catch, so I hope everyone is careful with spending the point." Everyone nodded to understand the ichinose warning. This class is really easy to handle. I don't know if that's good or bad; well, it depends on the situation, I guess. If I have to choose, I guess people who are easy to cooperate with are what I think are best, so I have no complaints.

"Well, we have other problems." Ichinose suddenly stared at me, followed by other classmates too.

"?"I look to the left and right to see if it is just my imagination.

"Dude, she is looking at you." Andou said.

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

"Yes, Ayanoukouji-kun, it's actually bothering me when you always belittle yourself every time."

"What? I never do that." Sorry, I do that a lot.

"Yes, you do, and it's not just me who is bothered by it; everyone else too." Everyone started nodding, urgh, this is bad. How am I supposed to escape this? I have asked for help, and Kanzaki seems like a rational person. I look at Kanzaki, and he notices my sign, that my brother.

"Ichinose-san, I think Ayanokouji is just trying to act humble, that all." Thank you.

"There is a difference between being humble and being self-deprecating. Ayanoukoji-kun always takes a chance to be little himself, and I don't like it." She had a hard nut to crack.

"So I want to ask everyone to help make Ayanoukoji-kun comfortable being with us-no more gloomy atmosphere!"

"Yeahhh!!!" Sighhhhhhhhhhh.

Kanzaki just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders with a smile, telling me to accept my fate.

"Sigh, what a pain..."

"Emm~ You said something, Ayanoukoji-kun?"

"I said we had another pain to deal with." Everyone looks where I point my finger at.

"There are CCTVs monitoring us, you know."

"!?!?" It looks like they finally noticed.


I am currently walking alone after discussing all the possibilities that can happen in the class.

"Sigh..." In my earnest pursuit of understanding societal dynamics, I yearn to unravel the enigma of human treatment - a quest to unveil the elusive truth about the existence of equality or the mere facade of my own blissful ignorance. The mark, once a symbol of blessings, unveils its dual nature, potentially morphing into a curse for the unfortunate. This world, with its intricate tapestry, proves to be a profoundly captivating realm, vastly distinct from the sheltered confines of my past experiences.

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