Chapter 4: Senpai

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Kiyotaka's POV:

What's with this girl suddenly approaching me and saying something outrageous?

"Who are you?"



"Hahaha! I'm just kidding. It's actually Kiryuin Fuka."

"Sorry, I still have no idea."

" don't know me? You must be a first-year then." Judging by the way she said it, she must be my senior.

"Well, I guess it can't be helped; the first month still has not passed yet."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you remember me after this." She closes her face to mine; I can already tell that this person is dangerous.

"Fuka! Stop!" Another girl showed up; she must be her friend.

"What are you trying to do with that boy?!"

"Relax, I was just trying to have a conversation with him, right? Kouhai-kun~"

"...yes." I felt like I might be killed if I disagreed.


"Honestly, it's hard to believe you, Fuka."

"Sorry, Kouhai, this girl has a few screws loose. Ah, my name is Asahina Nazuna, and this is Kiryuin Fuka. We are both second-year students." Asahina-senpai introduced herself.

"Ayanoukoji-kun! Sorry to keep you waiting." Kushida, who just came back, noticed the two in front of me.

"Are they your friends?"

"No." Kushida looked confused with my answer. Asahina-senpai then introduced herself to Kushida, and they started to have a conversation. My major concern is that the other girl continues to fixate her gaze on me, almost like I'm some kind of prey.

"Sorry if we disturbed your date." Asahina-senpai said.

"N-no, not at all." Kushida smiled, her cheeks slightly flushed. Suddenly, Fuka-senpai interrupted their conversation.

"So Kouhai-kun is not your boyfriend, right?"

"Kouhai-kun? Oh, you mean Ayanoukoji-kun? N-no! he is not my boyfriend!" You don't need to deny it so hard.

"Emm... Okay then, I feel a little guilty if I have to steal your boyfriend." She proceeded to grasp my chin once more. I hoped she would stop.

"!?!!?" Oh, boys.

"F-fuka?! What are you doing?!" Kiryuin-senpai ignored her.

"Be mine, Kouhai-kun; I will make sure to take care of you." After she said that, a white king mark suddenly appeared and glowed on her neck.

"K-king mark..." Kushida freezes on the spot. I unconsciously leap backwards, desperately attempting to liberate myself from her grasp; she truly is an ominous presence.

"Impressive, Kouhai-kun, now I want you in my collection even more." She is officially the scariest girl I have ever encountered.

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