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KATO SPENT THE REST OF THE DAY AND WELL INTO THE EVENING IN THE SHIP WITH THE OTHER SURVIVORS. It was only when the sun made its full orbit around the earth and a new day was approaching did Luca say it was time for her to go home. So after saying goodbye to the others (and getting Luca, Paz, and Ailith's phone numbers), Kato left the ship and returned back to her apartment with Luca.

By the time they reached the apartment building, it was already close to midday. Kato and Luca landed back on the roof of the apartment before facing each other, warm smiles on their faces. But Kato's smile faded as she decided to be open with him - something she rarely did with someone she'd only just met.

"I've had... a really rough life," Kato admitted to her cousin. "And it made it hard for me to trust people. Only recently did I start deciding to put my trust in others. But believe me, it hasn't been easy." She smiled again. "But today... today changes everything. Meeting you, learning who I am and where I came from, and finding out that I'm not alone... It's helped me a lot. And now I can move on with my life, knowing what I know now. So..." She smiled wider. "Thanks."

Luca smiled back. "Of course," he said. Then, he held out his hand, and suddenly a small device appeared in his palm. It was flat, hexagon-shaped and made of slate-colored metal, with a red crystal in its center and small red diamonds running around the rim. And upon closer examination, Kato saw that there were strange yet intricate glyphs etched into the metal.

"I want you to take this," Luca told her.

Kato frowned. "What is it?"

"It's an emergency response device," Luca explained, then added when Kato's frown deepened, "In short, it's like a signal flare. Just turn it twice clockwise and it'll signal any one of us to come and help you."

Kato crossed her arms. "I'm not helpless, Luca, I can take care of myself."

"I never said you were," Luca said. "But you never know when you might need another Haxodonian on your side. All of us are well acquainted with our powers, and though we haven't made our abilities known like you have, we're not afraid to use them in public if it means helping one of our own." He held the device a little closer to Kato. "Go on, take it. Just in case."

Kato met his eyes for a moment, but slowly took the device from him before tucking it into her jacket pocket. She didn't think she'd ever need it, but Luca was right - it would be helpful just in case she actually did wind up needing it.

"Alright," Luca said with a nod. "This is where I leave you." He then cocked his head with a smile. "But don't be a stranger, alright? I'm just a call away if you need anything."

Kato couldn't help but smile back. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Luca."

Luca nodded again, then lifted into the air before he turned and flew away. Kato watched him until he was gone from sight. Once she could no longer see him, she collected her things (which surprisingly were exactly where she'd left them), then made her way back down from her roof and into her apartment.

Cherry was curled up on the couch, but lifted her head when Kato entered. The small feline then got up, leaned forward in an elegant stretch as she yawned, and jumped off the couch before walking up to Kato and rubbing against her legs with a series of small trills and meows.

Kato chuckled, bending down to pet her cat's head. "I was only gone for a day, Cher. But I missed you too."

Kato took off her jacket and set the file and notebook down on the coffee table, then draped the suit Luca had given her over the arm of the couch. Then, she sat down on the couch and kicked up her feet, and Cherry instantly jumped onto the couch beside her and curled up next to her.

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