Who are you?

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You look around desperately, expecting to find whoever left this note. You don't spot anyone, though. Your eyes dart all over the hallway as you search high and low. Nobody. Nothing. You clutch the note in your hands, horrified. You think you're going crazy. You run your hands through your hair and lean against the wall for support, heart pounding in your chest.

You stand in place for a moment, staring at the note, trying to process the words in front of you. Slowly, you refold the piece of paper and put it in your pocket. It must be some sort of prank, you think to yourself. A weird prank. But something about the way it's written, with that weird cursive that you haven't seen in years, makes you feel uneasy. Who wrote it? Why? And... who is "I" in this situation? Do you even dare ask?

Just your imagination, you tell yourself. Just your imagination. You back away from the door, your fists clenched at your sides. The knock comes again, louder, more insistent. Your nerves are on edge, your stomach in knots. Who could possibly be knocking on your door? Why is it so important that they see you face to face? Your mind searches for answers but comes up with nothing.

You hear the knock again, insistent, begging you to open the door, and you finally work up the courage to reach for the handle. Your hand hovers over it before reluctantly wrapping around and turning it. You slowly open the door, bracing yourself for what you may see.

There's nobody there. You open the door completely and stare into your hallway. Nothing there. No one to be seen, just an empty hallway and an open door. It feels like you've been playing a cruel game of hide and seek by yourself. You stand there, frozen in the doorway, staring out into empty space for a moment. Then you hear it, behind you.

A voice speaks from behind you. You jump and whirl around to find no one there. You let out a sigh of relief before hearing the voice again, much closer now.

 "I know about the cereal," a soft, low voice floats through the air. You spin around but see nothing there. "I know you poured the milk before the cereal."

Your eyes dart around the hall, looking for any sign of life. But you see nothing, just the same walls and doors you've seen dozens of times before. You hear the voice again.

 "Who are you?" you ask, trembling. "Who are you and how do you know about the cereal?"

 Your mind races, trying to make sense of this bizarre situation. But there's no one there, just that voice.

"I'm right in front of you," the voice replies.

You finally saw him. You blink, trying to convince yourself that you're just imagining it. But no, there's definitely someone there. A man, dressed in a blue armless shirt, a pair of grey pants with a golden belt and boots stood before you. He looks down at you with cold, sharp eyes before speaking again. 

"Who are you?" you ask, trying to hold back the shudder you feel running up your spine.

"My name is Jonathan Joestar, I'm here to judge you. Judge you for your sins."

⇐ To be Continued

Jonathan Joestar judges you for your sinsWhere stories live. Discover now