Chapter 1

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"Thank you so much!" I said to the man on the phone. "Of course. I will send you all the information and you'll be ready to head here." He said. "Perfect." I added. "Great, we will see you in a few days." He added. We said goodbye, and there it was.


I can't believe this. This job is gonna have me SET, and I can't believe it.

Sadly, it did mean I had to leave my home for about 6 months. But you know what, I'll take it. Plus, I'm working with one kid. It's better than when I was working for this family with 7 kids... so I'm not complaining what so ever.

I'm 19, and I'm still living at home just because I'm still in school and my mom wanted me to stay home while I'm in school so that way I can save up money. It's pretty smart if you ask me. Plus, I love being with my family. We're all super close. I walked downstairs with a wide smile, and my mom looked at me. "What?" She said with the same smile. "I got THE BEST job possible. I'm gonna be set for a while." I said with a smile. "What do you mean?" She asked me. "Well, I've become a nanny for this little kid. I guess he's super busy and also SUPER rich, so guess who's gets a major high paying nanny job!?" I said my mom hugged me. "This is great news, sweetie." She said. I nodded. "I'm gonna be gone for a few months, though." I said. "How long is a few months?" She asked. "Six." I added softly. "That means you're going to miss the holidays." She said. "I know. But I'm sure the man I'm working for would understand, and I could come home for at least a few days. Plus, i'm sure he will be with his daughter for the holidays, and he wouldn't need a nanny." I said. She nodded.

*A Few Days Later*

Here I am, a whole new country. I walk up to this large house and take a deep breath before knocking. I played with my fingers as I waited for the door to open. Only a minute later, the door opened, revealing a tall man. "Hi, can I help you?" The man asked. "Uh yeah, I'm actually the new nanny." I said shyly. "Oh, right." He smiled and stepped to the side before motioning for me to come in. I smiled and walked in.

After a few minutes of silence, another man walked downstairs. I couldn't help but gush a little just looking at him. But I kept myself composed. "Liv, right?" He asked. "Mhm." I said. "I'm Matty." He said. So that is the father. He looked awfully young to be a dad. "Oh, it's nice to meet you." I said with a smile. He nodded with a slight smile. "Listen, my band and I are gonna be on tour for a few months, and I just need someone to watch Kenedae for me." He said. Then it hit me. Band? Tour? What did I miss when signing up for this job.

I talked to the man a little while longer, but that was before we were interrupted by a small voice. "Dad?" We both heard. He turned his head, and we both saw the small girl. "Good morning, princess." He said before he walked over and picked her up. He came back over. "Kenedae, this is Liv. She's gonna take care of you while you're uncles and I are gone. Okay?" He said. She stayed quiet and laid her head on his shoulder. "I love your dress." I said, acknowledging the princess dress she was wearing. "Belle is my favorite." She said shyly. "No way, mine too." I said. She smiled at me.

Matty placed her down, and then he knelt down in front of her. "Why don't you go ask Uncle George to get you something for breakfast while I show Liv around." He said. She nodded and skipped off.

"She's cute." I said with a smile. "Yeah." He said softly. He started to show me each room in the house, but as we got to the room, he had said it was mine. He looked to me. "Can I ask one favor of you?" He asked. "Sure." I said softly. "Don't bring up Kenedae's mom in front of her. She just recently came to live with me after her mother passed. It's still a bit of a hard subject for her." He said. "Oh yeah, I totally get it." I said. He nodded. "Besides that, she's really easy to handle." He said. I nodded.

We walked back out to the kitchen, seeing the man from before sitting with Kenedae. I'm guessing this man is George. "So when are you leaving?" I asked. "Two days." Matty said. "Yeah, but we have full days of prep before we leave." George added. "Daddy? Can we watch a movie tonight?" Kenedae asked. "I'm sorry, princess, I don't think we can tonight." He said to her. She instantly looked upset. I looked at the girl and smiled. "How bout we watch a movie tonight?" I asked the girl, and she smiled at me. "Really?" She asked. "Of course!" I said with a wide smile. She giggled.

After a while, Matty and George both had to leave, so Kenedae and I decided that we would make a fort and watch a few movies before bed. "Can we watch princess movies!?" She asked. "Oh my goodness! Yes! Sounds perfect!" I said, making her smile. "Beauty and the Beast?" I asked her. She smiled widely. "We have enough time for 2 movies before it's your bedtime, okay?" I said. She nodded.

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