Chapter 3

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"Can we have a dance party?" Kenedae asked. "Sure, why not?" I added with a smile. "We can use my playlist!" She said as she grabbed an I-Pad. She went through her apps and clicked on one. Next, I think I know music is playing. "What song is this?" I asked. "This is Daddys songs!" She said with a wide smile. She set the I-Pad down and started to sing a little as she danced. I laughed slightly. "Come on! Dance!" She said excitedly. I smiled and danced with her. "This is my favorite song." She said. "Oh yeah?" I asked. She nodded.

Cause there's a change in pressure
Never gonna lie to you
Change in pressure
My broken veins say that if my heart stops beating, we'll bleed the same way
Change in pressure

I laughed as she sang along, and we danced.

As it got later, I realized Matty still wasn't back.

"When is daddy gonna be home?" She asked me. "I don't know, sweetie. Probably soon." I said. "I want him to tuck me into bed." She said, sounding upset. "How about we go to bed, and when he gets home, I'll have him come see you." I said. She nodded.

I walked her to her room, and upon her request, I sat with her till she fell asleep. I went to the couch and decided to work on my school work. Sadly, I'm still in college, so I still have to do class work. I sat there in the dark on my computer.

I heard the door open and then some shuffling. "Hey, Kenedae wanted me to have to go see he -" I stopped when I realized the man was wasted. "Oh." I said softly. "Heyyyyy." He slurred. "So... how was rehearsal." I said, realizing the man had been drunk, so he clearly wasn't just rehearsing. "GreAt! So tHeN weee got a FEW driNKss." He slurred. "A few?" I questioned, knowing there had definitely been more than a few.

"Listen, if you can be quiet, go see Kenedae." I said softly. "I would probably wake her up." He mumbled. I took a deep breath. "You should get sleep." I said softly. "Good id*hiccup*ea." He said. He stumbled through the house and to his room. I then let out a sigh.

I can't believe he promised his daughter he would be home after a few hours. He was gone a day. And he comes back like this. Kenedae doesn't deserve that.

I finished up my school work, and then I went to my room.

*the next morning*

Tonight, the guys leave for tour. And Kenedae didn't want to leave Matty's side. I could tell the man was hung over.

"Daddy, when will you be back home?" Kenedae asked. "It won't be long." He said. She sat on his lap and stayed quiet. "What's wrong?" He asked her. "I don't want you to go." She said. "I know, but I need to. And then I'll be home. Okay?" He said, and she nodded. I sat there watching the two of them. "How about when we have a break about 2 months in, I'll come home." He asked. "You promise?" She asked. "I promise." He said with a smile.


As the guys left, I looked at Kenedae. "What would you like for dinner, kiddo?" I asked. She shrugged. "Come onnnn..." I knew she was upset about her dad leaving. "I'm gonna go play in my room." She said. "Oh, yeah, okay. When I finish dinner I'll come get you." She nodded and left to her room.

I made a pasta for dinner. And then I cleaned up the kitchen. I went to Kenedae's room and saw her on her bed curled in a ball. "Hey kiddo. Dinner is ready." I said softly. She stayed quiet. I walked in and saw on her bed behind her. "What's going on?" I asked her. "I miss my dad." She said. He's only been gone an hour. But I feel horrible for her. "I'm sorry. I know it sucks, but I promise you it'll go by faster than you think." She stayed quiet. "How about tomorrow we see if he can video call you for a bit? Does that sound good?" She nodded. "Great, okay. Let's go eat and then maybe we can play a game or something before bed." I said. "Okay." I picked her up and we went out to the kitchen.


After I got Kenedae to bed I messaged Matty just asking if he would call in the morning so Kenedae could talk to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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