Chapter 2

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I looked over at the small girl and realized she had fallen asleep. I smiled softly before picking her up and carrying her to her room. I laid her in her bed then tucked her in. As I walked out, she said, "Could you sing to me?" I smiled sweetly and sat next to her. "Of course. What do you want me to sing?" I asked her. "Anything." She said. I smiled and began singing her the song my mom used to sing to me when I was little.

* A few minutes later*

She was asleep, so I got up and quietly left her room. I closed her door and turned to see Matty. "Oh, you're back." I said. He smiled. "Yeah." After a moment, he asked, "So how was your first night?" I smiled. "It was good." I said softly. "I saw the fort in the living room." He said with a bit of a chuckle. "Oh, don't worry, I'll clean everything up. I just wanted to get her to bed first." I said. "Don't worry about it." He said. We both walked out to the living room, and I started to fold up blankets and move things back to where they originally were. I looked over, seeing Matty helping.

"So your band, are you guys popular?" I asked with a chuckle. "Somsthing like that." He said. "Cool." I added softly. "Where are you guys touring?" I asked. "It's uh- a UK and European tour." He said. "That's awesome." I added with a smile.

We continued talking a bit as we both were cleaning up. Kinda just getting to know each other a little.

*a while later*

"You should probably head to bed. It's late." Matty said. I looked at the time and I was shocked. "Yeah, it it pretty late." I chuckled slightly. "Night." He added before walking away. "Night." I said with a smile.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up and walked out seeing the kitchen had been empty, well, actually it wasn't. George was in there. "Coffee?" He asked me. "Sure." I said softly. I walked in and sat at the bar counter. "How'd you sleep?" He asked me. "Pretty good, actually." I said with a small chuckle. We continued talking about random things. "Matty didn't even know about Kenedae until about a year ago when he found out his ex-girlfriend passed and surprise, he had a daughter." He said. "Wow, I couldn't imagine that happening to me." I said. "Well lucky for you, you'll never have to not know that someone had your kid." We both chuckled. "Ken's been through a lot in the last year. So just don't be too hard on her." He said. "Never." I added with a slight smile.

I heard soft footsteps and turned around seeing Kenedae. "Hey." I said with a smile. "Hi." She said as she rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes. "You want pancakes?" George asked her, and she nodded quickly. "Coming right up." He said with a smile. Kenedae sat next to me and looked at me. "So, are you staying awhile?" She asked me. "Yeah," I said softly. "Good, I like you." She said with a cheesy smile. "Awe, well, I like you too." I said, smiling back at her. George started to make pancakes, and Kenedae and I just had a girl chat. The typical things to talk to a 7 year old girl about. Like her favorite disney princesses, her favorite My Little Pony, and her favorite color. Of course, they all matched. Her favorite princess is Belle, her favorite pony from the show is Fluttershy, and her favorite color is yellow. See the theme?

"Dad!" She yelled slightly. I looked over, seeing Matty walk out, looking exhausted. She ran over to him, and he immediately picked her up. She laid her head down on his shoulder, and he didn't say anything. He just held her. "Good morning." I said softly. "Morning." He added with a slight smile. "Daddy, Liv, and I watched Belle and Ariel last night in a fort! It was so fun!" She said. "That's awesome, kiddo." He said with no REAL emotion. You could tell he was still waking up. "And Liv knows all the words to all the songs, so we were singing them together." She said. "How cool." He said.

After a while of us all just sitting there talking and eating, the guys were leaving for their tour rehearsals. "Can I come with you, Daddy?" Kenedae asked. "You know you can't, princess." He said. "Please, Pleaseeeeee, please, please, please, pleaseeeee!" She begged. "Kenedae, you can't. They wouldn't let you in." He said. He was clearly losing his patience. I could tell she was upset. He bent down to her level and looked at her. "Listen, I'll be back in a few hours. Until then, you've got Liv." He said to her. As he stood up, he kissed the top of her head.

She was still sad, but it wasn't nearly as much as before. "Okay." She said softly. She immediately hugged his hip. "Just a few hours. Alright, princess?" He asked. She nodded. "Text me if you need anything." He said to me, and I nodded.

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