(chapter 13)

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Adrianna: hey should i wear this dress or this?

Juleka: honestly go with the black one it compliments your eyes

Felicia: Black

Adrainna: Okay thanks!

Adrainna: what kind of makeup look should I go for

Juleka: just a light red lipstick and some light pink blush should be fine

Adrainna: So how do I look?

Juleka: i think you should..

Felicia: braid your hair

After braiding

Adrainna:...I look like mother

Adrainna smiles

Felicia: If he says something rude or does something to you don't be afraid to call me I will beat him up

Juleka: Go knock his socks off!

Felicia: good luck I guess


I'm pretty lazy to do the date part but you guys can use your imagination to imagine a date between Tim and Adrianna


Chris: No way

Marcel: SHE kissed him on their first date!

Jason: What is this I'm hearing Tim got a kiss~ I'm so gonna tease him

Dick: first it was dahlia now it's tim who's gonna be next?! Jason?!

Marcel: Maybe

Felicia: She couldn't have chose someone better.Why him out all the guys in this huge world

Marcel: Felicia it's call love and you don't understand that

Felicia: I do

Marcel: tell me have you ever been in a relationship before?

Felicia: no

Marcel: Exactly


Marcel: Anyway my cousin coming tomorrow!

Felicia: Mother is calling me.I should go back now

Felicia leaves

Chris: Marcel It's time we leave tomorrow we're having a tour at the gotham museum

Marcel: your right!

Nino: yeah we should go

Dahlia hugs marcel

Dahlia: Stay...

Marcel blushes

Marcel: i have to go Dahlia-

Nino: Bye bye dude

Juleka: see you tomorrow

Dahlia: please..

Marcel:ok fine..

Chris: Bye

Adrianna: bye Marcel

Jason: Dick got that on camera

Dick: i bet ya I did!

Jason: ✨Blackmail✨

And guess what happened

Option A) Dahlia stuck to Marcel like glue

Option b) Dahlia and Marcel slept together (not funny buisness just sleeping together on the same bed)

Option c)they fell asleep on the couch

If you selected option b then your......


If you selected option c.... Your CORRECT

They fell asleep on the couch together and Marcel ran a marathon to not be late to the tour

Dick showing the video to dahlia

Dahlia: delete that right now..

Jason: No~

Dahlia takes the katana out of her chest


Jason: SHIT-

Meanwhile Tim:

Tim: She kissed me,Coffee she kissed me

Tim talked to a cup of coffee like it was an actual person

Tim: i can't believe she kissed me

Tim blushes

Tim: coffee should I ask her out on a date?.....YES!


Some chapters maybe delayed because projects are showering upon me

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