(chapter 17)

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Time: 3:00 am (USA)

Jason: this early?

Dick: I was getting my Beauty sleep

Bridgette: why the hell am i here

Marcel: you probably know why-

Bridgette: if I did then why would I ask you dumbass

Marcel: to fight hawkmoth since you did such a good job fighting chat blanche and saving me in time n

Dick: Ohh to fight hawkdaddy i totally forgot about him so what are we waiting for?

Bridgette: that's a weird way to say hawkmoth

Marcel: It's 9:00 am in Paris and it's the perfect time for hawkmoth to akumatize a person

Tim: i analyzed hawkmoth's akumatizing patterns and it seems he likes akumatizing people at 9:30 am sharp,sometimes a few minutes late.We are 100 percent sure that Adrianna's dad, Gabriel Agreste is hawkmoth now. I hacked his schedule and it seems like 9:30 to 10:30 is like his break time.

Batman: we Have to reach paris 9:30 sharp

Dick: wait for me I'll be right back-

Adrianna: I guess we should transform now?

Tim: you probably should

Adrianna: Plagg claws out!

Plagg: Fu-

Tikki: I have to talk to him about using that kind of human language bad words we don't do that in the kwami household

Chat noire chuckles

Tikki: And Adrianna don't use bad words in front of plagg please

Chat noire: Noted

Dahlia: Should i be robin or eternity?

Jason: eternity 100% you have a freaking lightning sword you can probably stab hawkmoth with that

Marcel: i think you should be Robin

Dahlia: why?

Marcel: I don't know what to say but I guess you should stick to being robin because you enjoy being robin more than eternity and I Am happy when you're happy all I'm saying is follow you're heart

Dahlia:... I'll be robin then.. Thankyou for helping me decide habibi

Marcel: don't mention it, bien-aimé

Jason: can you guys stop staring into each others eyes and just make out

Dick: I'm back i went to visit the toilet oh and did I miss anything

Jason: You just ruined moment!

Dahlia: Shut up todd

Jason: you're the favourite sibling ofcourse she doesn't say shut up to you and instead says it me

Dick: am i the favourite sibling? really?

Jason: Does it look like I am lieing?

Dick: No.

Batman: everyone ready?

All: yes!

Batman: lordknight

Lordknight: got it. Portal!(idk what he says to make a portal lol)

All of them stepped into the portal and vanished in an instant.

Hawkmoth,Mayura,Voltage(liam) VS Batman, Nightwing,red hood,red robin,robin, lordknight,chat noire, blossom

Ofcourse they'll win right.


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