Nick-Panic Attack

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Not a request

Third Person POV

"I'm bored." Chris whined for the 12th time today.

It's a chilly day outside. It's more of an inside day. That's the thing, though. Chris didn't wanna be inside. He had so much energy waiting to burst out of him, so much so that's he's getting agitated, not being able to go outside.

"You've said that two minutes ago." Nick said, not looking up from his phone.

The boys are in the living room, Nick and Matt on the couch, Chris on the floor on his back.

Matt is watching "Yellowstone" on TV while Nick and Chris are half watching, mostly scrolling on their phones.

"Are you bored, Matt?" Chris asks, sitting up.

All he gets in response is a grunt.

"Mm." Matt says, keeping his eyes focused on the TV.

"Mattttttt." Chris whines, but Matt doesn't respond, clearly ignoring his younger brother.

Chris groans in frustration, sitting up and grabbing the TV remote. He turns off the TV completely instead of pausing it like he meant to.


"WHAT THE FUCK, CHRIS? I WAS CLEARLY WATCHING THAT. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?" Matt yells, snatching the remote back. "Stupid kid, pausing MY TV that I'M watching."

"I don't care, I asked you a question." Chris says rolling his eyes.

"What was it?" Matt said, turning the TV back on.

"I was just asking if you were bored and wanted to go somewhere."

"Sure. Where do you wanna go?" Matt asks, setting the remote back down.

"Not sure. Nick?" Chris directs his attention to his older brother.

Nick lifts his head. "I don't know Chris. We could go to the park or something."

Chris smiles. "That's perfect! It's kinda cold tho..."

"That's what coats are for." Matt chimes in.

"Cool. We can go after you finish this episode, Matt." Chris says jumping up.

And that's exactly what they do.

The triplets get dressed for the chilly weather and pile in the car to go their adventure.

The drive was 20 minutes and they planned on staying awhile so Nick grabbed the camera for a vlog, just in case.


Matt pulled into a parking spot, putting the car in park.

The parking lot was surrounded by trees with 2 pathways you could walk on, trees also lining the path.

"Which one do you guys wanna go on? Dudley Lane or Lincoln Ave." Nick asks, stepping out the car. He hands Matt the camera, already turned on.

"Let's go on the left one. That one sounds funny. You might find Abe Lincoln." Chris giggles.

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