Chris and Nick- Argument

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Not a request

I've done one for Matt and Nick and Matt and Chris, but not one for Chris and Nick. So here we are.

I've got a couple of requests lined up, but I'm taking a short break from those for this beautiful intermission.

Okay, cool.

Tw: Swearing (but let's be so fr.)


Chris was already not in the fucking mood. He'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed, his attitude off the charts since his eyes opened.

He didn't know why, but today was not his day, for anything. He felt like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode at any moment, every small inconvenience speeding the timer up.

Nick certainly wasn't helping, having also awoken on the wrong side of the bed. He was overwhelmed. Nothing seemed to be going his way, his hair not cooperating with him, his clothes not fitting quite right, his socks irritating his feet. Every little thing stacks up on top of one another, making this morning a living hell.

Two of the loudest people in the house, clashing heads. Something Matt really didn't want to wake up to.

But he didn't have a choice, as he woke up to small amounts of bickering coming from the kitchen. Matt rolled over and checked his phone. The clock was reading 11:23am, which Matt decided was a perfect time to wake up.

He walked into the kitchen smiling, but his grin quickly faded, and he saw his brothers both frowning, staring at their phones. Nick was sitting at the island while Chris was on the couch.

Matt, as well as half of the world's population, could feel the tension in the room.

"Jesus, what the fuck happened? How the fuck are you guys already pissed at each other? You've been up for like 5 minutes." Matt says, walking over to the fridge before opening it and surveying its contents before deciding on just drinking orange juice.

"It's not me. It's this fucking baby." Nick says, not lifting his eyes from his phone.

Matt pours his orange juice before looking at Chris for retaliation, but Chris never does. He doesn't say anything back, which is unusual. Matt shrugs, unbothered by his brothers' usual morning bickers.

"What'd he do?" Matt asks, leaning against the island.

"He's just doing too fucking much this morning. Bothering me n' shit." Nick keeps his eyes on his phone, angrily scrolling.

"Oh, fuck off with that. I asked one question and got a fucking lecture. So fuck you." Chris said dismissively.

"Whatever. You're a fucking idiot." Nick spits out.

Matt watches his brothers as they agrue back and forth, and he notices 2 things. 1) Chris is pulling at his hair, showing how overwhelmed he his. 2) Nick is picking at his nails, showing he is also overwhelmed.

Two of his brothers overstimulated, desperately trying to communicate, but failing, resulting in frustration and emotions at an all-time high. Matt had half a mind to hide it his room until his brothers hashed it out, but he could already tell this wasn't going to be a short term agruement.

And he was right. Nick and Chris continued to agrue for the rest of the day, fighting for the majority of the car video, Nick getting upset at the small things, Chris being so done with it.

Matt was stuck being the mediator for his brothers antics, just in case they needed to take a minute, or for when one of them went too far. Which would happen. Just sooner than Matt thought.

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