Chris - Overstimulated

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Request by @boy_band_lover123

"Can you do one where one of them had ADHD and goes into a sensory overload??"

I can! My sister had ADHD. She sometimes gets overstimulated, but I don't have ADHD, but I do have crippling anxiety, so I'm gonna try my best to replicate that with
✨️words ✨️

It's not gonna be perfect.

Also, we all know why I chose Chris, right? If not, go watch The 2023 Tea Party on the Sturniolo Triplets main channel.

Tw: Panic Attack, Gagging, crying, blood (the usual)

The Triplets were invited to do an interview with some of their friends they'd known for a while.

The host was speaking to Matt about his mental health channel, while Nick and Chris sat there patiently listening to their brother talk about his struggles.

Well, Nick was listening. Chris was having difficulty focusing on anything. He'd been like that all day. He didn't know what was going on, but he couldn't seem to sit still or focus. What made it worse is that he decided to wear a long sleeve and a hoodie into the studio, which was hot as hell.

Chris was very, very warm and itchy and suddenly very aware of the fabric on his skin. He could feel the long sleeve wrapping around his neck, seemingly suffocating him. He couldn't seem to get comfortable in his seat, and it was frustrating him.

Chris wanted to take his clothes off, just for everything to slow down and stop.

Nick must've noticed, and he rubbed Chris's thigh, attempting to calm him down. It only made things worse, Chris quickly moving Nick's hand.

It was too much, too many things entering his brain at once. He knew it wasn't the people speaking. They were talking at a normal volume, but Chris couldn't figure out why it seemed like there were 200 people in the room talking at once.

Nick looked at Chris, clearly very concerned. Chris just shook his head, not wanting to interrupt the conversation the host and Matt were having.

Nick frowned a little, but not wanting to cause a scene, he turned back to the host, ignoring the growing worry in his chest for his brother.

Nick knew three things about Chris. One, he loved physical touch, and he often ran up to Nick or Matt and just hugged them. He loved cuddling with his brothers and his dog.

Another thing Nick knew was that Chris had ADHD, which was the source of overstimulation and anxiety for him. Moreover, Nick also knew that the only time Chris didn't like physical touch was when he was overwhelmed by his own brain.

Actually, Chris hated being touched when he was over stimulated. He'd break down in tears and have a panic attack. It was so strange, Nick not being able to touch his brother. Chris would zone in and out of conversations. He couldn't comprehend what was going on.

Sometimes, and very rarely, he'd become violent, like extremely violent, not just to others but to himself. All just to get some quiet, all just so his brain could slow down, so his senses could relax.

So, to say Nick had a valid reason to be worried was an understatement. But, he stays silent when, maybe he should've said something.

As the podcast continued, Chris grew more and more restless, still unable to quiet his senses.

It's gotten to the point where Matt and even the host started noticing.

Chris had sweat beading on his forehead, even after he'd taken his hoodie off.

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