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Request by april-xoxo

"Could you do one where Chris gets sick but has a fear of throwing up and Nick and Matt help?"

I sure can! Hope you enjoy.

Tw:Vomit, crying, panic attack


Chris knew something was wrong when he woke up with a headache. Chris hardly got headaches, surprisingly, considering his water to Pepsi ratio.

This morning, he woke up at 11. It wasn't a pleasant way to wake up, the pang of his headache causing him to close his eyes and go back to sleep, hoping it'd go away eventually.

When he woke up again, at 1, the headache hadn't gone away, so he decided to suck it up and at least leave his room.

He stood up, putting on blue FreshLove pants and a black shirt.

When he opened the door, he was met with the light shining through the front door, blinding him immediately.

He groaned and rubbed his eyes before continuing and walking up the stairs.

His two brothers were in the living room, lying on the couch watching a movie.

"Well, good morning, sleepy head. Where have you been?" Nick says, smiling.

Chris responds with a grunt, his head pounding. He sits at the kitchen island and puts his head in his hands.

Nick and Matt exchange a look before Matt gets up and walks over to Chris.

"Hey." Matt says, rubbing Chris's back. "You okay?"

Chris answers with a sniffle. From the moment he walked up the stairs, he'd been nauseous. He felt like he had to throw up, even though he hadn't eaten anything.

One thing about Chris is that he can't do throw up. At all. When people are talking about near him, he starts to fidget and sweat. He starts to panic when people throw up around him, and even more when he's the one who has to puke.

He's so scared to puke that he won't go on rides an hour after he eats.

He's crying now because he feels like he has to vomit. He's nauseous and dizzy, and he fears the worst is to come.

"Hey, Chrissy, what's wrong, babe?" Nick says, walking up behind him, rubbing his back.

Chris lifts his head up to face his older brothers. "I-i- can't." He stutters tearfully looking between his brothers.

"Take your time, sweetheart." Matt says, concern lacing his voice.

"I-I'm nauseous. I woke up with a headache and I'm dizzy and it felt like my face was on fire and my head was gonna explode and I feel like I'm gonna throw up and you know how much I hate throw up and-" he rambles, choking out sobs as he speaks.

"Shh, shh, shh, honey. Calm down. It's okay." Nick says.

Chris wipes his tears with his sleeves, although it does nothing as more tears continue to fall.

"What a way to start a morning, huh?" Matt says.

Nick slaps Matt on the back of the head for the comment.

"That's so unhelpful."

"Sorry. Sorry." Matt shrugs.

Chris feels his chest tighten, like someone is squeezing his heart like a stress ball.

"I-i can't... I can't breathe." Chris grabs his chest, his breathing picking up.

Nick grabs Chris's hand. "Listen to me, Chris. You are okay. You're not gonna throw up. I need you to breathe."

Chris tries but fails, causing him to panic more. "Dude, you're gonna kill yourself. Listen to my voice. One in... and one out..." Nick instructs.

Chris follows Nick's directions, calming himself down enough so that he can speak."

"Okay, how about you lay down on the couch, and I'll get you some bread and medicine?" Nick says.

Chris's stomach churns at the sound of food, but he complies nonetheless.

Chris lies down on the couch, falling asleep after he'd eaten some bread. The crying had exhausted all of his energy.

Matt and Nick laid down next to their younger brother, all snuggling on the couch. While the two boys waiting for Chris to wake up, they watched a Chrismas and a Halloween movie, quietly arguing over which was better.

It'd been 3 hours since Chris had his episode, Matt and Nick slowly drifting into a calm sleep waiting for their brother to wake.

What they didn't expect is for Chris to pop up as fast as he did and run to the bathroom.

Nick jumped up after him, Matt following not far behind.

When Nick arrived at the bathroom, his heart shattered. His youngest brother, tears in his eyes, hovering over the toilet, gripping it so hard, he's surprised it didn't break.

Chris sobs, swallowing thickly, as his brothers kneel over to help him.

"Oh, Chris..." Matt says rubbing circles on his back.

Chris breathes heavily, broken sobs filling the air.

"H-help... I want the p-pain to stop. I can't do it. I can't throw up... Nick... please." Chris pleads, looking at his oldest brother with tears in his eyes. He gags, swallowing again.

"I know kid, I know. Your gonna feel better soon." Nick hugs his brother, wrapping his arms around Chris's stomach softly.

Chris looks at Nick, tears falling fast down his face. "Nick, no."

"I'm sorry, kid." Nick says tearfully. Nick applies a small amount of pressure to Chris's stomach, causing a wet burp to come from Chris.

"No-please, Nic-" he's interrupted by bread and stomach acid splashing in the toilet.

"I'm sorry, Chris." Nick says grimacing.

Chris falls into Matt's arms, exhausted from emptying his already pretty empty stomach.

He quietly sobs into Matt, as Matt plays with his hair. "You did great bub. You did great." Matt whispers.

Nick goes to the kitchen to get a wet rag and a bucket, setting it next to the couch.

He comes back into the bathroom to see Chris asleep and Matt running his fingers through Chris's hair still.

He looks at Matt, who smiles at him, warming his heart. Nick felt guilty about forcing Chris to throw up, but he knew it'd make him feel better, and Nick didn't want to see him suffer.

"Let's get him to the couch." Nick says.

Matt nods, and gently lifts Chris's head, while Nick grabs his feet. Together they lift the 20-year-old to the couch and put a blanket over him.

He stirs, but doesn't wake up.

"What're we gonna do?" Matt says, putting his arm on Nick's shoulder.

Nick sighs, shaking his head. "I have no clue."

The rest of the day was spent comforting Chris, while he vomited another 3 times, watching movies, and just talking. The oldest brothers nursed the youngest back to health, and he was good as new the next day.


Not sure how I feel about the ending but I hope this is everything you wanted, April.

From now on my request are gonna go in an order, Chris, Matt, Nick, and I might throw some Nate and Maddie in there, not sure yet though. So don't worry, Matt girls, there's a chapter for him coming out very soon.

I hope you enjoyed, don't hesitate to leave requests on the request page and I'll see what I can do.

Love you guys-Syd

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