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                              Later that night

Carly, seeking a friend's perspective, decided to text Sam about the situation.

Carly (text): "Hey, Sam. I need to talk. Can we meet up tomorrow? It's about me and Freddie."

She hoped that Sam could provide some advice or simply be there to listen and offer support during this confusing and emotional time.

Sam quickly responded to Carly's message.

Sam (text): "Of course, Carls. I'll be there. We'll figure this out. Hang in there."

Carly felt a sense of relief knowing that she could count on her friend for guidance and comfort in navigating the complexities of her relationship with Freddie.

Sam, concerned for her friend, offered to come over immediately.

Sam (text): "I can come over right now if you want. Just say the word."

Carly appreciated Sam's willingness to be there for her and replied, "Sure, come over. I could really use a friend right now."

Sam was quick to respond, assuring Carly of her presence.

Sam (text): "I'll be there soon, Carls. Hang tight."

Carly knew she could rely on Sam's support and eagerly anticipated her friend's arrival to help her navigate the emotional turmoil she was experiencing.

As Carly waited for Sam to arrive, she found herself listening to a song that had always held special meaning for her and Freddie. The melody played, and the lyrics carried the weight of their emotions, making her feel even sadder.

Carly: (softly, to herself) "Our song used to make me so happy, Freddie."

The music brought a flood of memories, both happy and painful, and Carly couldn't help but reflect on the complexities of their relationship and the challenges they were currently facing.

As Carly listened to the song that held so many memories, she couldn't help but think about her deep feelings for Freddie.

Carly: (whispering) "I want to be with him forever. Despite everything, I love him, and I want us to work this out."

Her determination to make things right and preserve their relationship was evident in her words, even in the midst of the emotional turmoil she was experiencing.


Freddie, feeling overwhelmed and depressed by the recent events, sat on the fire escape outside, lost in his thoughts.

Freddie: (sighing) "How did everything get so complicated? I just want Carly to be happy, but I'm afraid I've messed everything up."

The cool night air and the solitude of the fire escape provided a moment of reflection, but it also deepened the weight of the situation, leaving Freddie uncertain about the future of his relationship with Carly.

Tears welled up in Freddie's eyes as he continued to sit on the fire escape, his emotions pouring out.

Freddie: (voice shaking) "I never meant to hurt her. I just want her to be happy, and I don't know if I've ruined everything."

His tears mingled with the cool night air, and he felt a heavy burden of guilt and confusion weighing on him.

In a fit of frustration and despair, Freddie impulsively tossed his phone off the fire escape, watching it tumble down and crash on the pavement below.

Freddie's impulsive act was a reflection of his overwhelming emotions and the sense of helplessness he felt in the face of the complicated situation with Carly.

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