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Once we got home everybody was quite tense. We were all sent up to go to bed and get ready for tomorrow. And that's exactly what we all do: we get ready for the night and everything settles down slowly. Everything but me it seems. I sit in bed trying to sleep but I fail miserably. I sit up and decide I might as well use this time to do something but faking going to bed. Slowly I get myself out of the bed hoping I don't make a sound. I go to the door and slowly twist the doorknob i get through and close the door slowly. Okay got through Gin, now to get downstairs. There's a few creaks from the wood here and there but I'm as silent as I can be.

"Looks like I got out unscathed." I whisper to myself then quickly go on the couch to write. Writing letters helps me calm down. I look over the side table and grab the paper and quill that's always there and dip the quill.

Dear Charlie,

Is Romania going well?

No, that's stupid. I crinkle the page up.

Dear Charlie,

I'm worried I'm going to be lonely.

Way to start a letter Ella! I crumple it once more and sit there wondering what to say.

Dear Char,

I know you know that I'm going to Hogwarts quite soon but I guess it still hasn't clicked for me. Everyone I know is going to be there but I'm not sure. Something feels off, I guess I thought that it would feel different. I'm going on the train tomorrow and I feel like something's incomplete. Also, I'm not sure if you wanted to know but my wand is willow with an Ashwinder egg as its core. It was expensive and apparently kind of rare so I thought I would mention it.

Anyway, you said I could always write so that's why I wrote. Anywho I'd love to hear about all the dragons, I hope you write back soon.

Your sister, Ella

That's a decent letter at least. It's not long but I don't really have much to say. I hear the same creaking noises I made in the stairway.

"Who's that?" The sounds stop and I wonder if the person thought they were alone. I wasn't expecting to find anyone awake either.

Black hair pops around the corner. "Ello." Harry says shyly. His hands instinctively go to the nape of his neck.

"Hi? What are you doing up?" His eyes are wide and he looks very nervous.

"I couldn't sleep so I thought I would maybe ride on a broom or something like that." He looks like he's about to burst. "You can totally join me!" I chuckle.

"Sure Harry, I'll go riding with you."

"You know I'm a little surprised you said yes, I, well I thought you didn't like me." I'm sure my face looks confused as hell.

"I just don't know you. If we're being honest here I just thought you were some stuck up arse, clearly you're not though. I'm just trying to get a read on you." His eyes widen a little bit and he seems quite uncomfortable because he simply tells me I'll see you out there and walks away. Well now I know emotions are not a part of his vocabulary. I pick myself up and drop the letter on the couch. I grab my shoes and head to the broom shed. Walking in the dark is a little difficult but I eventually find my way where Harry is.

"Oh nope you are not taking that one, that's mine." I grab the one he was reaching for and start heading towards the sky. After I get to a comfortable height I sit there for a moment and just take in the night. The stars are glittering and the moon is bright. I love these nights purely just because of its beauty. I close my eyes and feel the air dance around me.

"You look quite comfortable there, you fly often?" I don't feel like opening my eyes so I don't.

"Mmm, I would do it more but there's never enough brooms and I'm technically the youngest Gin was born first you know. By the way I'm not sure if you noticed but she has a huge crush on you." I finally open my eyes and I see that his cheeks are flushed and he looks very uncomfortable.

"No I uhh didn't. Thanks for letting me know." I let out a small chuckle then I'm full on laughing at him.

"Hey come on! How was I supposed to know?" That just makes me laugh even more.

"Maybe the fact that she ran as soon as she saw you? Or the fact that Ron was basically telling you when he was saying she was talking about you all summer? No, of course none of that went through your skull." He's silent for a moment then finally speaks.

"Ya, I guess you're right, I was pretty thick wasn't I?" He turns over towards me and I race away flying around the backyard. Zooming and flying past all the trees and then I touch back down to the floor. It's not soon after until Harry touches down after me.

"You're fast, you should join quidditch next year. You'd make a good keeper." I already put my broom away and was heading inside.

"Ya and you're a good seeker, doesn't mean everybody will take the opportunity to do anything with it." And then I'm heading inside and getting into my room as fast as I can.

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