Don't trust The Snakes!

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"I regret this with every fibre of my being."

Kirumi sighed heavily as they made it into the loud and rambunctious bar. Fluorescent and vibrant lights spun around across the ceiling and the walls making Kirumi feel just a bit dizzy. Why was Kirumi here exactly? Allow me to explain.

There's a certain friend group at Hopes Peak Academy that has a reputation for causing and/or getting into trouble. This friend group consist of Kirumi Tojo, Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota, Kokichi Ouma, Miu Iruma, and Korekiyo Shinguji. This friend group has been officially known around the school as 'The Snakes'. No, I am not kidding, why would I joke? Either way, it's rather fitting, actually.

But tonight is no exception for 'The Snake's' antics. Miu and Kokichi managed to 'score' some fake I.D's and their first idea on what to do with them was to sneak into a bar and drink as they please.

Now, you might be able to imagine what the others reactions would have been.

Kirumi instantly tried to shut the door on them. She had no energy for such a thing, and she would need to get her beauty sleep for her duties the next day. Unfortunately, Kokichi roped in the 'r' word - request - and Kirumi actually ended up accepting their offer to tag along. Someone would need to look after those idiots anyway, right?

Shuichi had no intention on coming with them until he heard that Kirumi was coming. He felt dread sink in of what might happen to her if she was left with those two chaotic snakes and how dangerous bars were and how dangerous the people in them were and oh my god he agreed to come.

Kaito, like Shuichi and Kirumi, did not want to come. It took a lot of persuasion to drag Kaito out of his comfortable and cozy space-themed dorm room bed, but he eventually, begrudgingly, agreed.

Korekiyo decided to entertain the idea, and agreed to come with them. That wasn't really much of a surprise.

So then the six of them were sneaking out of Hopes Peak Academy, climbing over the gate. Some of them had a graceful landing (Kirumi, Korekiyo), some of them had a rather awkward landing (Shuichi, Kokichi), and some of them fell flat on their face (Miu, Kaito).

They then began making their way up to the nearest bar, Kirumi already regretting her decisions and wishing she was back in her bed listening to classical music through her airpods. Sometimes these things can only be a pipe dream, though.

The Snakes arrived at the nearest bar, and was instantly hit with overwhelming waves of sound and smell. Loud yelling of people flirting, laughing, or just general conversation made their ears ring, and the smell of beer and stale vomit was equally as unpleasant.

Shuichi grimaced, covering his mouth. Kaito did the same.

Meanwhile, Kokichi and Miu were giggling wildly about how they were in a real bar as 16 year olds. Kirumi is actually one year younger, so she's 15, just making matters worse. (By the way, you wouldn't believe her horror when she finally realised that she was younger than KOKICHI OUMA. But that's a story for another time).

"How interesting," Korekiyo said more to himself than to anyone else. Apparently, seeing someone puke in the corner of a bar is interesting, to Korekiyo. It took Kirumi a lot of energy to not face palm right now.

"So, what do you guys want? We'll get the drinks!!" Kokichi grinned whilst dragging both Miu and Kaito towards him and dragging them downwards to match his height. Both Kaito and Miu rolled their eyes, exchanging a glance.

"I will have a gin and tonic," Korekiyo called out, as he had already slithered away to find a table to sit at.

"Oh, yeah, I've heard of that." Kaito nodded, as if making a mental note.

The Snakes and the Drunk Kirumi // Shuichi X Kirumi.Where stories live. Discover now