Gazing At The Stars

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"Are you crazy!?" Said sky quickly grabbing my wrist. "I refuse to let you do something like this!" He whispered. I pulled my wrist out of his grasp.
"And I refuse to watch that mother and child cry." I said feeling brave. He stared at me with concerned ocean blue eyes but I could only see one for the other was shadowed over with a lock of his raven black hair. "Don't worry I'll be fine" I said with a smile before turning away and slowly walking towards the gun man.
He pushed the little girl towards her mother's loving embrace and grabbed me by my elbow holding me close and pushing the gun to my head. I didn't feel like I was in danger, I just felt like I was in a dream or a game. None of this felt real but it made me wanna laugh and smile like the fair.
Only seconds had went by but it felt like hours to be honest. The gun man grabbed the now full duffle bag and threw it over his shoulder then tried to pull me out the door.
"Whoa hey! Let me go! I thought the deal was a hostage in the store only!?" I shouted trying to pull my arm from his grip.
"How did you expect me to get out for here with the money pretty little lady?" He said with a grin. I suddenly realized that if I hadn't of traded places with that little girl he would have ran off with her and done who knows what. He pulled me through the whole mall but none of the mall cops shot for the simple fact that he had me by his side. He ran through the food court shoving people out the way then exited with me through the west exit (this mall had many exits and entrances). There was a van pulled out front and the door opened up to more men wearing creepy masks.
"Did you get the money?" Asked one eyeing the bag.
"Yep. And I also got a generous offering of entertainment for the trip as well." He said giving me a slight push towards the van. I kicked my legs out on either side of the door avoiding any contact with the inside of the van. I heard a scream of pain and suddenly felt myself falling. I looked back to see Zack pinning the gun mans arm behind his back. The gun man threw that bag out toward the van.
"Grab the bag and the girl we can sell her for some money." Said one of the men before pulling me into the van. I kicked and fought against him until eventually he pinned me down to where I couldn't move. The door closed and the van was about to pull off but was quickly stopped when sky threw his fist through the window and grabbed the driving by his hair pulling him out the window. Literally out the window.
The door to the van flew open to reveal a pissed of Zack, "Get your nasty ass hands off my damn sister." He said before yanking the man out onto the ground and hitting him repeatedly with his fist. By the time the police had arrived they had to pull sky and Zack off of the robbers.
"If you ever touch her again or even bother looking at her I will end you." Said sky in a scary voice to the men. I looked over the two boys. One shy and the other playful. It was surprising to see their knuckles bloodied and their faces lightly grazed with the blood of another. It was surprising such a simple act could drive them to kill.
Zack smiled softly and threw his arm over my should chuckling softly. "I had the clerk watch our stuff. Let's go return his money and grab our bags and go home. I'm feeling a little worn out after a game of chase like that." He said grinning like a child at me. Sky walked over stretching and yawned.
"Yeah let's hurry up I'm gonna call mom to pick us up cause I really dont feel like walking after that." He said walking towards the door. "Your wrist and your arm sky." I said quickly walking over to him. He had gashes all up his arm from when he punched in the window.
"Calm down its not the worst thing that has happened to my wrist." He said. The ambulance offered to fix his arm up but they was going to stick him with a needle to ease the pain and sky didn't play with needles. He would rather walk up to a fully loaded gun then to a needle that's just how it was so he was avoiding the ambulance the best he could.
We all three went back inside with the duffle back and returned the money and grabbed our stuff. "Here's the money for the Nerf gun sir" said Zack handing it to him. The clerk pushed dthe money back toward him shaking his head.
"No, no take the toy for free its my way of saying thank you for all the trouble you went through." He said smiling. Zack hesitated for a second then nodded.
"Okay then. Thank you." He said then we all walked out the store leaving the clerk to put all his cash back. We waited outside the north exit. I looked around realizing the sun had wwnt down leaving the sky a pretty purplish blue color. After a bit mom came and picked us up in the black pick up truck. We all jumped in the back and laid down looking at the stars on the ride home.

A/n: I'm trying my best to keep the story interesting but its kinda hard cause I keep loosing ideas and plus I don't know what you guys like so first of all how about you tell me one thing you wanna see in this story and second of all tell me your opinion on needles cause personally I'm terrified of them. Vote and comment love you all!~

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