2 - The Bottle

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Pomni slept terribly that night. She had no idea why, other than the fact that she was being plagued by dreams of the mysterious bottle. With her eyes half open, she stared at the bottle, wondering what to do with it.

She got out of bed and started getting ready for the day, doing things such as brushing what little hair poked out of her hat and changing into a new set of clothes (which was sadly still the same outfit; there didn't seem to be a lot of variety here.)

When she was done, she grabbed the bottle to return it to Caine. She walked out of her room and saw Jax, who was surprisingly exiting Zooble's room with a pair of scissors in his hand. She tried to ignore him and walk past him, but just like yesterday he tripped her again. However when she fell this time, the bottle in her hand broke.

"#*$%," Pomni muttered. The weird liquid was making contact with her skin, and her thoughts began to jumble. "Holy #*$% what is going on?" Her eyes started to scribble.

After he finished laughing, he stood around to watch her get up, as he was obviously getting a kick out of this. She slowly got up, her mind a mess to the point where she was barely able to concentrate, and turned around to lecture Jax. However, the second she looked at him, her thoughts went back to normal.

"Good morning Jax," she said while blushing with a grin. Pomni didn't know why, but he seemed to be so much more handsome than he was earlier. His mischievous smile, his height, his strong abs...

"The @#%^? Why are you acting so weird?" he asked, with almost a hint of concern in his voice. Pomni walked over to him and rested her head against his arm. He immediately pulled his arm away.

"Get the @#%^off me, freak!" he stormed off, leaving his scissors on the floor. Pomni ran over and picked the scissors off the floor. She traced her finger along the blade, fantasizing over the fact that Jax had touched it at one point. She giggled and ran to her room to put the scissors in the drawers of her bedside table. When she was about to leave, she noticed Ragatha in the doorway, who must've seen the whole thing. She looked angry, but also like she was trying to hide it. 

"So... Pomni, what was that about?" she interrogated, with a fake smile on her face.

"I- I really don't know... Jax is just.." Then, Pomni began to blush and use her hand as a fan.


"Do you happen to know where he went?"

"Nope, no idea. 'Good luck' finding him." Then, Ragatha stomped away, steam practically coming out of her ears. Pomni's face was hot, and a little after the rag doll left, Pomni exited her room to participate in the theme song.

Welcome, to the aMAAAAzing Digital Circus! My name is Caine, I'm your ringmaster, and I'm here to show you the most jaw dropping, heart stopping, MIND BENDING paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upon! Isn't that right Bubble?

Thhhhat's right Caine! I can't wait to see what you've got cooking up for today!

Well let's not waste any time! Let's get right into the show!

The theme song continued as normal (with Pomni's name replacing Kaufmo's) and everything was going as normal until it was Pomni's turn. Because Jax had gone right before her, she was too busy obsessing over him to even realize she had to go on stage.

"Where's Pomni? Has she gone insane?" Kinger asked Ragatha, paranoid. 

"I'm.. not sure. I hope she's feeling alright," Ragatha replied with a worried frown. Caine went backstage and found Pomni zoning out while fixating at Jax. 

"Uh, Pomni?" Caine questioned, waving his hand in front of her eyes. Eventually, Pomni snapped out of it.

"Oh! Hi Caine, do you need something?" Pomni distractedly said.

"Why didn't you come on stage?"

"I missed my cue? Sorry, ever since I woke up I haven't been feeling good. My face has been all hot and my stomach is fluttering and my mind has been a mess unless I look at... Jax~"

"Sounds like my little human has a crush! He really doesn't seem like your type though; what a sudden switch!"

"I know... I really don't know what changed. Maybe I was just crazy before for not noticing... I'm almost starting to like it when he teases me~ or calls me mean names~ or trips me~" Pomni lets out a big sigh while staring at Jax with a dopey smile on her face.

"Well, we can't let that distract you from our daily duties! Next time just, uh, try not to think about him!"

"Alright, I'll try." 

Caine rushed back out from behind the stage and into the main area. "From the top everyone!" he yelled.

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