Idk what to title this

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Hi guys (if there is anyone reading this.) I didn't really expect this story to "blow up" and by blow up I mean get more than 50 views. I'm experiencing a lack of motivation to continue on with this story, as I've been reading other tadc fanfics that are much better and it makes me wonder why anyone would want to read mine. Should I continue this? It's totally fine if not. But if there is anyone out there who genuinely likes this, I'd want to know. Even if its just one person, I'll continue writing this story for you. I have a lot of ideas for this book that I haven't written down yet, and if you have any suggestions for anything you'd want to see later in this story, I'll consider those too. Have a nice day everyone :)

Edit: Fuck it, no harm in continuing this story I guess. I probably won't be updating as frequently though. Can't wait for y'all to see what I've got in store >:D

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