5 - Regret

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Jax was in his room hiding from Pomni. He had pushed the bed against the door to keep her locked out. Every hour or so however, she would knock on the door and beg Jax to let her in so she could spend time with him. Each time she did this, he would very impolitely shut her down and call her names, which made Pomni want to do it even more. It's like it fueled her.

"For the LAST mother #$%& time Pomni! I'm not going to let you in my room, you insane $%* $#*^%!" Jax shouted.

"I love when you call me names~ It shows me that you take the time out of your day to make nicknames for me~ Let me in so I can be with you~"

"Hell no!"

"Alright I guess~ I'll be back soon!" Jax heard her blow a kiss before skipping off to who knows where.

"Holy *#&$ why is she doing this? Is she actually deranged?" Jax asked himself. Then, a loud POP noise scared Jax. It caused him to jump.

"Hello my little rabbitoid! How is your day?" Caine chimed.

"What the, how did you get in my room? Why are you here anyways?"

"Well, there's been something I've been meaning to talk to you about!"

"Oh yeah, and what's that?"

"You made Pomni fall in love with you." After Caine told him that, Jax laughed, bewildered.

"And how would I do that? You can't be serious, right?"

"Indeed I am serious! You have gotten yourself into trouble and I have NO IDEA how you're going to get out of it!"

"I'm waiting for an explanation, heterochromia a%^ #*^$%"

"Well, Bubble and I have been trying to make an 'antidote' for secret reasons which we can not discuss, and it seems I may have... kinda... dropped it, and Pomni found it! I assume she was trying to bring it back to me when you tripped her, causing her to be cursed with the potion's effects."

"And what exactly are those effects?"

"We... don't really know. But by the looks of it, it seems she has-"

"Fallen in love with me. Great. Look what's all your fault, Caine."

"Actually Jax, this seems to be all your  fault. If you hadn't made her fall, it wouldn't have broken and you wouldn't be in this situation!"

"Why do you sound so cheerful about this?" 

"Most likely because it has no consequences towards me! Now if you don't mind, I am going to continue making an antidote for the secret thing I cannot talk to you about!"

"Wait wait wait, slow down; you aren't making an antidote for Pomni?"

"No why would I do that?"

"I don't know... probably because SHE'S IN *!%$ING LOVE WITH ME?!"

"Well that's not the biggest concern on my mind right now. For the time being, it seems you'll just have to deal with it!"

"And how exactly do I do that?"

"I'm... really not sure now that you bring it up. Maybe just play along with it until it goes away?"

"What?! Hell no! You've gotta be joking. How long will it even take to go away?"

"We currently have no idea! Hopefully soon however. Just keep us updated on her situation!"

"I swear to-" And POP, Caine was gone again. "I'm going to kill that *!%$ing mouth." Jax moved the bed blocking the door to his room back to the corner, and he left.



Pomni heard a knocking on the door to her room. She assumed it must've been Ragatha. Pomni opened the door wide open, to see Jax standing there with a very displeased look spread across his face.

"Jax!~" She yelled, pulling him into a tight hug.


"What brings you here~" Pomni lovingly said, slowly moving her hand up Jax's arm and towards his shoulder.

"This is making me so fucking uncomfortable," Jax thought to himself. "I.. uh... assumed you'd want my company... I guess..." he sighed.

"I would... love~ your company~" She grabbed his left arm and dragged him to her bed. "Do you believe in soulmates~"

Jax knew what she would most likely say next, so he responded very annoyed, "No."

"Well~" she started, resting her head against his shoulder, "I do~"

"Uhm... this is getting wayyyyy to flirty for me. I'm just gonna move a litttttle bit to the side." Pomni's head fell off his shoulder.

"Oh, ok!" she said with a bright smile, and began to hold on tightly to Jax's hand. At first he tried to pull it away, but eventually he decided to give up.

"Do you... uh... know WHY you love me?" Jax curiously and uncomfortably asked.

"You're just so... handsome~ and you have a pretty voice... and I love it when you tease me. Whenever I'm around you I feel these severe butterflies in my stomach and they won't go away~ I want to rest my head on your chest while you stroke me-"

"Okayyyy lets stop right there. Why don't we ask Caine if we can have an adventure today... preferably with everyone else around (totally not so you can't do anything frisky to me.)"

"Anything you want Jax~" Love was practically emanating off of her, and the room was becoming very excruciating to remain in for Jax. He stood up, Pomni still clinging onto his hand, and briskly walked out the door, to an area where there wasn't privacy so she wouldn't act on her mind-controlled thoughts.


From around the corner peeked Ragatha, her butchers knife in her hand, while staring daggers at Jax. The knife shined and glimmered, waiting to be used.

"Stay... the hell away... from Pomni." 

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