The Trolls

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A/N : sorry it's two days late. I was babysitting and didn't have time to finish it till now.
     The rain stopped about an hour or so ago. Thorin gets off his horse and walks over to the house ruin. Fallen and the rest of the company were still on their horse. “We’ll camp here for the night.” Thorin shouts, “Fíli, Kíli, Fallen look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them. Oin, Gloin get a fire going,”
   Gandalf said something to Thorin and they started arguing. Everyone started doing what Thorin told them to do and Gandalf started walking off.
   “Where are you going gandalf?” Bilbo asked as gandalf passed him.
   “To seek the company of the only one around here who’s got any since.” Gandalf shouted. “I’ve had enough of dwarves for one day.”
   After everyone got off their horses and laid out their sleeping pads Fíli, Kíli and Fallen were watching the horses. Fallen took out the letter her aunt gave her. She started reading it when she heard a quiet thumping sound heading away from camp. She tried to see what it was but it was too dark. She heard Bilbo, Fíli and Kíli talking, when she got closer she saw them go the opposite direction of the camp. She caught up to them hiding behind a tree.
    “What are you three doing?” Fallen whispered, Bilbo about jumped out of his own skin.
    “Trolls stole our ponies.” Kíli whispered his answer, “and Bilbo is going to get them back.”
    Bilbo looked back and forth between Fallen and Kíli, “I… I am… I don’t.” He stuttered as Kíli pushed him towards the trolls and horses.
    “We’ll be right behind you. If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl, once like a brown owl.” Fíli stated. Bilbo turned to face the trolls  and Fíli, Kíli and Fallen leave.
    “Why didn’t one of us stay with Bilbo?” Fallen asked as Kíli pushed her further away from the trolls, “what if he gets hurt?”
    “He should be fine, as long as he doesn’t get caught.” Kíli stated. He and Fíli and Fallen get to the rest of the group and tell them about the trolls. Thorin told Fallen to stay behind and watch the camp. As Fallen was watching the fire at camp she saw the horses run past. She got up and ran in the direction of where she saw the trolls.
    A few minutes later the trolls had Bilbo in the air. “Drop your arms or we rip off his.” One of the trolls shouted.
   Fallen looked up and saw that two of the trolls had a hold of Bilbo’s arms and legs. Thorin stabbed his sword into the ground. Kíli threw his sword to the ground and everyone else dropped theirs. A few minutes later six of the dwarves were tied onto a spit and the rest of the dwarves and Bilbo were all stuffed in bags with just their heads sticking out.
    Fallen ran back to camp and started running in the direction Gandalf went. After half an hour she found Gandalf sitting alone looking at a sword. She told him about the trolls and how the trolls captured dwarves and they ran back to where the trolls were. The trolls were arguing with Bilbo about how to eat the dwarves when Fallen and Gandalf got back to them. They climbed onto a boulder behind the trolls and Fallen went behind a boulder next to Thorin.
    “Nothing wrong with a bit of raw dwarf. Nice and crunchy.” The troll picked up Bombur and was about to eat him.
    “Not---Not that one. He’s infected.” Bilbo screamed. “He’s got worms in his… tubes.” The troll holding Bobur drops him, and Bombur shouts. “In fact they all do,” Biblo continued, “they are all in---infected with parasites.”
    The dwarves start shouting in protest at the thought of them having parasites when Fallen gabbed Thorin with a stick and he looked at her. She gestured to go along with Bilbo and he kicked Kíli and the dwarves all started to agree with having parasites.
   “What do you suppose we let them go?” A voice from behind the trolls said.
   “Why would we let them go, Willam?” one of the trolls said as he looked at the troll named William.
   William looked at the other troll and said, “I didn’t say that, Tom did.” and pointed at the third troll.
   “I didn’t say anything of the sort so shut up,” Tom said as he smacked Williams hand away from himself.
    “Dawn take you all, and be stone to you!” said a voice that sounded like William’s. It wasn’t William, But Gandalf. He stood up on the boulder and cracked it in half with his staff. The trolls turn around and look at Gandalf as they turn to stone, never to move again. “There must be a cave or a hole dug somewhere near to hide from the sun in. We must find it.”
    “Spread out and find it.” Thorin shouted. Everyone spread out and Fallen, Fíli, and Kíli went with each other.
    “Over here.” Fallen yelled. “Oh, what’s that stench?” She covered her nose as she and the company went into the cave.
     As the company walked into the cave and started looking around, Bofur, Gloin, and Nori started burying a chest of gold and Thorin and Gandalf found swords in a barrel. Thorin put one of the swords on his hilt and Gandalf did the same. He then handed a sword to Fallen and what looked like a dagger to Bilbo. They exited the cave and heard a rustling sound. Fíli and Kíli got in between Fallen and the noise and drew their swords to protect her from whatever it was. After a few seconds a man on a sled pulled by rabbits emerged from the trees.
    “Radagast the Brown, is that you?” Gandalf stepped out in front of Radagast. “What are you doing here my friend?”
    “I was looking for you, Gandalf.” Radagast said as he tried to catch his breath, “There is something wrong, terribly wrong.”
    He kept rambling and Fallen walked away. Kíli followed her as she walked further away from the group.
    “What's wrong, Fallen?” Kíli asked as he grabbed her arm and turned her to face him.
    “I thought I heard something.” Fallen said as she shook her head. “We should get back to the group.
    They walk back to the group to hear a faint howl in the distance. Fallen saw as Radagast got back onto his sled and the rabbits started running. Gandalf shouted for the company to follow him and everyone started running after Gandalf. They hid behind a  big rock and Fallen drew her sword.
    As they were running they got swarmed. Kíli was firing arrows and Fallen was behind him, making sure he didn’t get hit. She saw as everyone else in the company dove into a hole in the ground and tried to grab Kíli.
    “We  have to go!” Fallen shouted. She ran and slid into the hole and Kíli followed after.
    “I do not see where the path leads. Should we follow it or not?” Dwalin asks.
    “We should follow it of course.” Fallen answered.
    They followed the path and it led to a beautiful area. It had waterfalls and a gorgeous palace. They walked to the bottom of the front stairs where Gandalf is greeted by an elf. They start talking but Fallen drowns them out. All she can think about is if any of the Elves here know her father who was an elf. She started listening again when she heard a horn being blown. The dwarves pushed Fallen and Bilbo to the middle of the group as the company got circled by elves on the horses. One of the horses steps to the side and an elf dismounts from it.
    Gandalf gave a small bow to the man and said;  “Lord Elrond. Mellonnen! Mo evínedh?” They have a short conversation and Thorin steps forward. After a few words with Thorin Lord Elrond shouts; “Nartho i noer, toltho i viruvor. Boe i annam vann a nethail vin.”
     “What does he say?” Gloin yells, “Does he offer us insult?”
     Fallen stepped forward next to Thorin and turned to the company. She looked at Gloin and explained, “No Gloin, he is offering us food.”
     The rest of the company start mumbling together then turn back to Lord Elrond, “Well, in that case, lead the way.” Gloin said as the dwarves walked up the stairs. They walk into this big area with a table and then sit down. Fallen sits in between Kíli and Fíli.
     “I didn’t know you could speak elvish, Fallen.” Fíli said as he turned to her. Kíli, who was on her other side, turned in her direction as well.
     She looked at Fíli and then at Kíli and back at her food. “Neither did I.” she whispered, loud enough for the brothers to hear her but still too quiet for anyone else.

⚫ ⚫ ⚫

     After everyone was done eating Thorin, Bilbo, Gandalf and Lord Elrond left and the rest of the company went outside. Fallen sat down on the steps and the guys went out onto the grass and were laughing. Fallen was watching the group for a little bit but then pulled out the letter her aunt gave her. Fíli saw Fallen reading the letter and walked over and sat down next to her without her noticing.
     After a few minutes of Fíli watching Fallen read the letter he finally broke the silence. “What’s that?”
Fallen jumped slightly, “oh, Fíli can you not scare me like that.”
     “Sorry.” Fíli tilted his head slightly and glanced at the letter, “but, what is that?” He pointed at the letter.
     “Oh, this.” Fallen paused for a second, “it's the last thing my aunt gave me before Thorin and I left my village.” She looked up and saw Kíli and Nori practicing sword fighting with sticks.
     “Do you miss your village, are you sure it was the right decision to come with us?” Fíli took Fallen’s hand.
     She looked away from Kíli and Nori and looked at Fíli, “I don’t miss my village, but I do miss my aunt.” Fallen paused for a second then said, “But I am one hundred percent sure that I made the right decision in this.”
     Fallen and Fíli sat with each other for a while talking and watching the others. After a while Thorin and Bilbo got back. Thorin told the company that the elves only gave them three rooms so they had to share five to a room. Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur agreed to share and Oin, Gloin, Dori, Nori and Ori agreed to share. That left Bilbo, Thorin, Fallen, Fíli, and Kíli to share.
     Everyone went to their respective rooms. When Fallen walked into the room with the guys there was a big bed on one side of the room and two smaller beds on the other side. Bilbo walked over to one of the smaller beds while Thorin,Fíli, Kíli and Fallen all looked at the beds.
     “I’ll take the other smaller,” Fallen started to say but was interrupted by Thorin.
     “I’m taking the smaller bed. You three figure something out with the big bed.” Thorin stated as he walked to the smaller bed.
     Fallen and the brothers walked over to the bed and Kíli laid down in the middle. “I don’t care about sharing, I'm just too tired.” Fíli laid down on the left side next to his brother and Fallen laid down on the right side of Kíli. As she laid there Fíli and Kíli snoring quietly put her mind at ease and she fell asleep. Kíli turned in his sleep and put his arm around Fallen.
     When Fallen woke up the next morning she noticed her face buried in Kíli’s chest and his arms around her. She shimmied her way out of his grip without waking him up. Everyone else was still asleep but Fallen couldn’t get back to sleep. An hour later Thorin got up and saw that Fallen was awake.
     “Couldn’t sleep?” Thorin asked as he sat down on the floor next to Fallen.
     She turned towards him, “I woke up about an hour ago.” She answered. “I can’t get this image out of my head and I couldn't fall back to sleep is all.” She said.
     “Well no point in trying now,” Thorin said as he stood up. “It’s time to leave. I’m going to get the others. You wake these three up and tell them to gather their things.”
     He didn’t wait for a response before heading out the door. Fallen walked over to Bilbo and woke him up and told him to pack his stuff. She turned towards the brothers and walked over and woke them up.
2,155 words

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