Imperfectly Perfect Her Smile

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Yeeah I need to write this before the chapter... So there will surprise p.o.v. which is good ... but some stuff that will make you go wtf....sorry don't come after me. ( on other hand come here I am lonely.)


Jace's P.o.V.

Rage and undying fear was I felt the moment I saw the gunman holding Aimee, my Aimee. My sweet, sweet Aimee, the love of my life. I am supposed to be the hot blooded male; it's in my blood to protect what I love. But, I feel so powerless now, so useless. I kept on looking at Aimee, not daring to look away from her. I refuse to believe that this is the last time we will see each other. I will not!

Somewhere in the distance I finally started to hear the sirens. Help! The help is near. Now I just need to make sure that Aimee wouldn't get hurt further. The gunman said something but I didn't take notice cause I was still thinking of how to save my Aimee.

The next thing I know Aimee's warm body collided with mine. My arms of course went around her as reflex and I started to feel calmer that she was finally in my embrace. While the noises around us went completely hazard, I still could heard that one sound that took all my calmness away.


Aimee body went limb in my hands.

I laid her on her back.




This isn't real.



"AIMME, AIMEE, AIMEE!!! Look at me sweetheart." I kept on chanting and crying out loud.

But I got nothing in return. She just looked at me. Aimee tried to open her mouth, but as if she couldn't form any words she just smiled. Aimee's smile is my favourite thing about her and 99% of the time it makes me smile with her but this was that 1% when her smile brought me heart ache and deep sadness.

Her smile looked like she wanted to tell me that everything is okay, but it was far away from it. Then her eyes closed and no matter how much I tried to see her beautiful eyes again they were closed.

Adrian's P.o.V.

God, this university life is sure a hard cookie. Not that I'm not having fun at some parties every other week or so, but the homework amount is so large I can literally swim in it.

BUT even though I am swimming, nearly drowning in my homework right now I can't say I hate this particular moment. Why you may ask, well it might be something to do with this girl that drives me crazy sometimes in a bad way but mostly in a good, very good way. I think I am hooked. I mean hooked on her.

You see we are working at some papers that we both need to return the day after tomorrow for our human's anatomy class that we both take together.

Even though today is Valentine's Day school kinda come first, but that doesn't mean I am not taking her out later in the evening.

I met Fae short for Farnlea here on University campus. At first Fae stroke me as know it all. And it irritated me that she wouldn't fall for my charms. But as I got to know her better I started to like her.

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