Old Willow

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Dear Reader,

I would like to make it clear that I do not own any characters from the Harry Potter Series, I only made Lucie, and her parents. This story is purely inserting myself into the story of Harry Potter. I did not take the place of a character or change the plot (not too much!) so please don't badger and heckle me about it. This is just a daydream of mine. I hope you like it!


It was the annual Soirée at Lucie's house, which was usually in the month of July. Lucie's parents were both rich beyond reason, and both had powerful positions at the ministry. They always took a chance to show who had the most beautiful things and to snuff out everyone's pride. Lucie despised them for this. That's why she never went to the parties and only looked at them from afar at her tree, which she called Old Willow.

Lucie had dark hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a white dress that rippled and curled in the soft summer breeze. She squinted as she plucked the petals off of a white rose her father gave her.

 She squinted as she plucked the petals off of a white rose her father gave her

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She leaned her head back on the highest branch and looked at the sky. She could hear someone walking up. She looked down and saw Draco.

"Hi Draco," she sighed, swinging her leg.

"Hi." Draco squinted as he looked up at her. "What are you up to? Acting like a child?"

Lucie looked down and raised her eyebrows. "And why would you say that?"

"We're fifteen, Lucie. Well, I am," he said, straightening his suit. "You shouldn't be climbing trees anymore."

She rolled her eyes. "Just because climbing trees isn't something you like anymore doesn't mean it isn't mine. I can do what I want. Besides, you were climbing trees just last year."

"Sure," Draco scoffed.

Lucie jumped down to the ground. "Is that all you came to say?"

"No, I wanted to hear if the rumors were true." Draco looked back at the house with all the decorations and lights.

"And what would those be?" Lucie teased. She already knew what it was.

Draco sighed. "That you're transferring to Hogwarts."

"Yes." Lucie looked down and swayed her dress. "Mother and Father think it is best."

"Ha! For your sake?" Draco laughed mockingly. "If I could choose what school I would go to, I wouldn't have chosen Hogwarts. Even if it's the best school."

"You know I don't want to." Lucie stated. She was used to Draco's hateful comments. "You know it's just my parents making a fuss."

"Boy, are you in for it!" Draco sneered.

"I know. Mom says I'm to take every class. But she can't decide which house is the very best. Your dad said Slytherin, but that's just because you're in it."

"Oh, you'll be a Slytherin for sure," Draco interrupted.

"How do you know?" Lucie laughed.

"Because it is the best house," Draco said, standing a little taller. "
Why do you think I'm in it?

"I don't know; did you buy your way in?" Lucie bit her lip, regretting what she said. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me."

Draco turned around. "What?"

"No, I didn't mean that."

"You think that my parents got me into Slytherin by paying? What a pathetic excuse."

Lucie could see Draco was losing it. "Draco I didn't mean it; I don't even know how you get into a house."

"For your information," Draco spat, "my parents were both Slytherins. It's in my blood! So don't you go thinking that my parents are pigs like yours."

"Draco, stop it!" Lucie glared at him. "I know both of your parents were in Slytherin, because they boast about it just as much as you do!"

"You know what, Lucie?" Draco glared right back. "You don't know anything. And if you think you'll have me as a friend in Hogwarts, someone that you can tease and have your nice little chats with, I won't be there! You're all on your own!" Draco started walking quickly down the hill.

"Draco, I'm sorry!" Lucie started running after him. "I only meant that's what I think my parents would do. I was angry, and I took it out on you, and I'm sorry. Draco!"

Draco turned around. "What do you want?" She could see that his eyes were watery.

"I'm sorry that I said those things." Lucie grabbed his shoulders. "I was angry, and I should never have said anything about it. I cannot please everyone, but I do have my own thoughts and feelings as well. I don't want to go to Hogwarts. I was happy, but this is what my parents want. You're the only friend I have now,  please."Lucie looked down and let go of Draco. A tear rolled down her cheek. "Please..."

Draco looked at the house, then started walking back towards it. Lucie watched as another tear rolled down her cheek.

Some background information:

This is an adaptation of the 4th movie in the Harry Potter Franchise. The Malfoy's are neighbors with Lucie's family, and are connected through the ministry as well. Draco and Lucie connected through their similar trials and struggles, and have been close friends for years.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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