The Port Key

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Lucie was woken up by Hermione, who had shaken her awake. She was yawning uncontrollably and was barely able to say 'good morning.'
They both ate hot breakfast and got dressed when the twins rolled out of bed, along with Ginny. Hermione noticed that Ron and Harry were still asleep and marched up the stairs to Ron's room.
"Ok, here goes nothing," she quickly hid her smile and stomped into the room, and threw off the covers of Ron's bed. He groaned then let out a huge snore.
"Wake up Ron!!!" Hermione exclaimed slapping his arms and taking his pillow from underneath his head.
"Bloody hell!" He turned from Lucie to Hermione then his eyes rolled back and he crashed back into bed.
Lucid laughed then went over to Harry's bed and shook him gently. "Harry, good morning." Despite the soft wake up, Harry jolted awake, eyes wide. Lucie stumbled back.
"Are you alright?" She gasped.
Harry noticed his surroundings and then looked back to Lucie, putting on his glasses. "Sorry, just bad dreams."
"Well, do you want to tell me later?" Lucie asked, noticing Hermione tapping an imaginary watch. "Anyway, we're going to the tournament today, so get dressed, on the double man!" She forced herself to deepen her voice and stifled her laughs.
This seemed to get them to roll out of bed. They got dressed and met everyone else downstairs, getting their coats and hats on.
"Alright everyone! Rise and shine!" Mr. Weasley shouted. "We're heading West towards the port key!"
"Port key?" Harry asked as he rubbed his eyes.
"It'll take us to the tournament." Hermione pushed Harry out the door.
"Cmon Lucie!" Fred and George said in unison, linking their arms in Lucie's and starting off on their walk.
"Pick up your legs, boys," Mr. Weasley turned around, fixing his hat all the while still marching forward.
After a long while the sun was completely out, light seeping through the trees. It felt like hours had passed walking.
"Ron, where are we going exactly?" Lucie turned her head to see Ron and Harry talking.
"I've no idea," Ron trudged on. "Dad! Where are we going?"
Mr. Weasley turned around. "Haven't the foggiest clue! Keep up!"
He turned back around and a huge laugh escaped from him.
"Amos Diggory! Great to see you old chap."
"Arthur! It's about time you showed up!" A man was sitting by a large tree in a clearing.
"Sorry about that, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Mr. Weasley gave an eye to Ron, who responded with a giant yawn.
Lucie could see the man wore a fishing hat, and large coats enveloped him. He had glasses and rosy cheeks, laughing as he shook Mr. Weasley's hand.
"How have you been my fellow Weasley? Excited for the game eh?"
"Absolutely delighted Amos! Did Cedric come with you?"
There was some rustling in the trees when suddenly a boy fell from the tree. He landed on his feet, and shook Mr. Weasley's hand.
"And this strapping young lad must be Cedric. How do you do?" Mr. Weasley said without missing a beat.
"Good thank you," he replied nicely, glancing at the rest of us.
"Everyone this is Amos Diggory. Works with me at the Ministry, and his son Cedric." Mr. Weasley turned around.
"Amos, Cedric, this is Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. This is Hermione and Lucie, who stayed with us during the summer holiday. And this is Harry Potter."
Amos nodded at each of our names. Then went to shake Harry's hand.
"It is a great pleasure meeting you, Mr. Potter! Great pleasure!"
"Alright everyone, let's keep moving!" Mr. Weasley yelled out. "Cedric you take the lead, yeah?"
"Right," Cedric went in front of Lucie and the twins. He turned around, still walking. "I don't think I've seen you before," he motioned to Lucie.
"I'm going into Hogwarts, fourth year," Lucie's cheeks burned bright pink.
"Oh," he said simply, then turned around again.
"Not a very nice fellow, Cedric is," the twins whispered loud enough for Cedric to hear.
"Why do you say that?" She asked, confused. She could see Cedric tense up, and swivel his head ever so slightly to the side so he could hear.
"Well, he beat us to the ground, third year, last game of the final. Snatched the cup right from us." Fred exclaimed.
"Then he beat us again a game in fifth year, that was when Harry fell off his broomstick." George nodded thoughtfully.
"Well, then I guess people don't like you very much," Lucie concluded.
"Why do you say that?" Fred said accusingly, tilting his nose up high.
"You both win majority of your games," Lucie started.
"Well yeah," they both said at the same time.
"And Cedric has only beat you twice of many, many games?"
Fred and George were both counting their fingers, then quickly gave up. "So?"
"So, Cedric has infinite more reasons to hate you than you do him." Lucie grinned. She saw Cedric smile and stand a little taller.
"Ugh!" They both shouted, picking Lucie up by her arms and running full sprint.
"Stop stop stop!!!" Lucie screamed, while laughing hysterically.
They came upon a clearing and a steep hill. The twins set her down then started chasing after each other up the hill.
"Up there?" Lucie asked Cedric, who caught up to them.
"Yeah," he smiled down at her.
"Are we there?" Lucie heard Ron heaving breaths. She turned around and saw Hermione dragging Ron by one of his arms and Harry talking with Mr. Diggory, and Mr. Weasley bringing up the rear.
"Why'd you start running?" Harry asked as he stood beside Lucie.
"Cmon," Cedric started jogging up the hill, Lucie right on his heels, leaving Harry behind.
Finally they reached the top of the hill, out of breath. There was an old boot, brown with no laces sitting in the middle of the hill top. There was grass and moss growing along the back of the boot, and over the top.
"We've gotta go!" Mr. Weasley came hustling up, placing his hand on the boot.
Everyone came up the hill, Harry and Mr. Diggory last. They all placed their hand on the boot.
Lucie grabbed the top of it, then felt a cold hand on top of hers. It was Cedric.
Before she could do anything, they were spinning upwards. Gravity seemed to jolt Lucie up and down, then they started dropping.
"Let go!" Cedric yelled to Lucie, as Mr. Weasley told the others.
Lucie obeyed, and she suddenly was falling from the sky, then landed smack on the ground. It was a lot cooler, and there was a breeze.
She looked around and saw the twins sprawled on the ground, and moans and grumbles from Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
"Well look at that!" She heard a voice above her. Lucie turned around and saw Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory laughing, and Cedric with a big smile on his face. They were running through the air, and landed nicely on the hill top. Cedric jogged over to Lucie and offered his hand. She grabbed it as she brushed herself off.
"Well, we're off!" Amos said, shaking Mr. Weasley's hand. "Good luck my friend!"
"I'll see you around," Cedric let go of her hand and waved goodbye.
Lucie watched as they started walking down a hill, and beyond there was a great big area full of colorful tents and music and people walking everywhere.
"Are we following them?" Lucie asked, and started walking down the hill too.
"No," Mr. Weasley pulled her back and pointed the other direction. "Each section represents a wing in the stadium. The red and orange tents the South Wing, blue and green North, black and purple West, and the white and yellow is the East, and that is where we are headed."
They all started walking down the hill in the opposite direction, and soon came upon the hustle and bustle of the white and yellow tents. There were flame throwers, people on stilts, and pixie throwers.
Mr. Weasley got directions and they were suddenly standing in front of a small tent a little ways out of the crowd.
"This is excellent!" Mr. Weasley grinned. "C'mon then!" And he went in, followed by everyone except Harry and Lucie.
"How will we fit?" Harry asked.
"You've never been in a tent, have you?" Lucie smiled, then went in herself.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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