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1 week later

One week had passed since the night they all went out and let's just say things have been rough after that. Her father was not impressed that they went out without saying anything, all the sudden deciding he was going to act like a present father figure. She wasn't exactly a happy person to begin with, not like Delilah or Daniel, but this last week was seriously getting to her. Her and Damon ended up being very depressed throughout the years while Delilah and Daniel were overall happy despite everything.

She typically turned to anger but after the week she had of her father keeping her home from school and beating her down mentally and emotionally she didn't have it in her at the moment. He was doing the same thing to Damon even though he had nothing to do with that night. At least they had each other though it all. Neither of them knew how long this was going to last but they didn't know how much more they could take. When Daniel was home he tried to take to focus off the two but a bit of their dad was around but it didn't work much. They all tried to leave Will out of things now but pretty soon they would have to tell him, though he knew something was up when Damon missed a week of work.

Daryl was getting more and more concerned by the day. She's never missed school because for her father before and it was alarming to him that now she was. Especially given the fact that lately she's been more in her head than normal and he knew being cooped up in that house with her father was the last thing she needed. He was tempted to go to her house but he knew the outcome of that of her father found out so he waited, until tonight.

He snuck into Octavia's backyard and found her window, it was pretty easy being as it was right across from his house. He climbed up the railing and onto the roof sitting right beside her window as he peeked in making sure the coast was clear for him to go in. She never kept her window locked in case he want or needed to get in. Today she did though and that alarmed him even more.

He tried to look through the window with her curtains were drawn, they were see through but it was still difficult. He saw her laying on the ground which seemed weird even for her. He kept trying to look through while lighting knocking on the window now. That when he saw it, what looked like blood on the ground, and he panicked.

Just a few feet away was Danny's room which he quickly shifted over to knocking on his window. Danny looking confused opened it and without a word ran to Octavia's door which was locked. The commotion attracted Damon and he asked what was going on. Daryl was trying to get the door unlocked like he usually would if she locked it and went to sleep.

"She's hurt and everything locked!" Daryl half yelled in frustration.

"Move." Damon said while pushing Daryl aside. He sized up the door and then with everything in him kicked the door down. Not comply but enough to get in. They all ran in and circled around Octavia. Daryl saw it first and then Damon who immediately pushed Daniel out of the room before he got a good look at what happened.

"Shit." Daryl said under his breath while he rushed to grapple a shirt or something to stop the bleeding. He pushed the cloth to her wrists hard and then it hit him again, the panic.

"What do we do?!" He cried out to Damon who was already on the phone with 911.

"I got it just don't let go and keep the pressure." Damon told him almost calmly. He was on the phone until the ambulance got there and rushed though the house, pasted their drunken father who couldn't be bothered by the yelling going on upstairs, and  into her room. They got her on the gurney and rushed her back down stair and into the truck while asking a bunch of questions. None of which Daryl could even comprehend at the time and was thankful Damon answered everything.

Daniel was in shock. He was just hanging out with Lydia one second and the next paramedics were wheeling his sister out of their house. The paramedics told them that Daryl got there just in time because any longer and she would've bleed out. Daryl couldn't go with them because he wasn't family and Danny was to far in shock to move, he didn't even make in down stairs with them. Damon did go with her never leaving her side except when the had to take her into the back and work on her.

Danny, once the shock subsided, walked into his room and sat on his bed just starring at the ground unable to to anything else. Octavia was always there for him, they did nearly everything together but recently that hasn't been the case and now he was feeling guilty for not being around as much, even though it wasn't necessarily all his fault. He thought he could've done something else, if he had been around more maybe he could seen this coming, but then again the one who spent nearly every waking moment with her didn't so maybe he wouldn't have ever seen it.

Lydia come in after him and sat beside him not saying anything yet but just being there. They sat like that for what seemed like hours but was really only a few minutes before Daryl came knocking on the already open door.

"We should go. To the hospital. Fer when she wakes up." Daryl tells them both but was really talking about Daniel.

"If she wakes up." Daniel says softly as if he only meant that for himself.

"She will. She has to."

"Yea. Let's go." Daniel finally breaking out of the daze he was in. He got up and got his jacket as he walked out the door. Lydia stayed seated though.

"Yer ain't comin'?" Daryl asks noting she didn't get up with Danny.

"I don't.. I don't think I should. You guys are family, I'm not I mean they probably won't let me in." She rambles.

"I mean, I ain't exactly family either but I have to go and yer should too, I ain't gonna make yer though."

"Yea I guess, ok." She slowly nodded and got up to follow him out.

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