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Summer was over now and they all had to start school. Which they were all happy about, well except for Damon who never hardly went, it was a perfect way out of the house that their father couldn't get mad at. Delilah loved school the most and excelled in every subject she took, she got all A's and was in almost all AP classes. Octavia was good at school she also had all A's, she wasn't in any higher classes though because anytime they would try to put her in those classes she would flunk the classes on purpose to get out of them. While she was good at school she didn't love it like Delilah did, if she didn't have to go she wouldn't. She didn't like socializing with the kids and she didn't like any of the teachers.

However, school started today and William loaded everyone on his truck and took them to school. Damon went with them only to ditch in the second or third period and Delilah would try to stop him every time but it was no use he would be going either way. They were all at the same school because the town was so small they just had one school for everyone. Delilah and Damon only had one year left and then they would be out, Damon already had to do the 12th grade over because he skipped so much and he was on a thin line this year but he made she he went enough to graduate.

Octavia found her way around her side of the school fairly easily with Daniel on her heels the whole time. They didn't have the same class with him being a year behind though. Once she got to her class room she noticed a familiar looking blue eyed boy staring right at her. He glanced at the chair beside him and back at her as if to tell her she could sit there. Which she did immediately not wanting to be in the front of the classroom any longer than she had to be. She smiled at him as to say thanks as she sat down and he nodded back.

The class started shortly after when a few other kids filed in. Nothing exciting happened and Daryl didn't say a word to her all day. Even when they had their breaks during the day and lunch he didn't say anything and neither did she. She didn't talk to anyone actually, anytime they had a break she would just start reading her book that she stuffed in her bag that morning. She never cared for making friends or trying to at least because they moved so much she never could so she never did.

Once the day was over she walked back home with  Delilah and Danny, Damon probably being home already not even bothering to stay the first day. Will would get on him tonight when he got home. It wasn't a far walk maybe 25 minutes but they were used to it, they would always have to walk when Will was working. She noticed that Daryl was walking a ways behind then as well, guess he also didn't have a ride home.

Once they got home Delilah started dinner while Octavia and Daniel went up to do their homework. Delilah would give Damon the homework for the day when she got home as well she he didn't miss anything. About an hour later Will got home and helped finish dinner and then they would all sit down and eat. Their father would be either at the bar or passed out somewhere in the house already by then so they wouldn't have to worry about that, most of the time.

That was pretty much a day in their life most days, every so often their father would be home and he'd either be completely drunk and ready to pass out or yelled at everyone which would get Damon in a mood. He would almost always end up yelling back and catching a beating. They were just waiting for the day that Damon doesn't stop and ends up killing him but they didn't know if Damon actually had it in him to do that.

After dinner Octavia helped put up dinner and then usually would go to her room and read until she went to sleep. Except tonight, she wanted to go back into the woods, it was still kind of light outside but it would definitely be dark by the time she went back home but she didn't care she wanted to go out there. Well what she really wanted was to talk to Daryl again and she saw him go out earlier and never saw him come back so she knew he was out there. That and she didn't want to be in the house with her father and she knew he would show up soon for his dinner. Once she was done helping with everything she ran upstairs and got a coat real quick, then she slipped out the back door.

She knew her was there and back now and she ran right to the creek. When she was closing in she slowed her pace and creeped up on her new favorite place. She was just barely at the tree line when a stick snapped beneath her and the boy whipped around in front of her. She hadn't even seen him yet and she blew her cover.

"So, are you followin' me now or what?" He asked once he realized who it was.

"No I just, I wanted to come out here and I thought heard something so I was trying to be quiet." She lied.

"Right." He said nodding his head clearly not believing her.

"Really, I didn't want to be home." She wasn't really lying she never wanted to be him unless either Will or Damon were there. While Damon was there he went straight to his room after dinner.

"Oh, yea me neither. It's kinda late though." He said honestly.

"Yea that's when I don't want to be home. Daddy's kinda a drinker." She didn't know why she told him that or where it came from but for some reason she felt like she could tell him anything.

"Mine too." He told her feeling the same way she did about the situation.

"It sucks." She complained while rolling her eyes.

"Yea it does." He said we a small laugh.

"I don't know about you but I have a feeling we will get along just fine." Octavia told him.

"I don't know yer kinda annoyin." He kind of chuckled back at the girl.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes at him. After that they talked for a little longer and then decided to call it a night at go home.

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