4. Islam's Fundamental Tenets Pt.1

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Islam's Fundamental Tenets Pt. 1

Understanding all of Islam's teachings in a short article is impossible. However, briefly discussing some of its fundamental tenets should assist in further clarifying the religion for those who are interested.

All of Islam's regulations and teachings are important, but some have precedence over others. There are six essential articles of faith that one must believe in, and five pillars that one's faith must be built upon.

As for the six articles of faith that must be believed in, they are:

1) Believing in Allah (God) alone, associating no partners unto Him in worship. This is done by believing that Allah, alone, is the Creator of this universe, and everything that is within it and that it is He, alone, who disposes ofits affairs as He sees fit. Consequently, worship can only be offered to Him, alone. Worship is implementing the teachings of Islam and its legislation while believing that all other religions are false.

2) Believing in the Angels. Angels were created by Allah but we cannot see them. They worship Allah and never disobey Him. Allah orders them to carry out many of the universe's affairs. The Angel Gabriel (peace be upon him), for example, delivers Allah's revelation to the messengers. Another is Mikail (peace be upon him), who is entrusted with the affairs of rain. Still there are other Angels responsible for writing the deeds of mankind--deeds which they will be held accountable for on the Day of Resurrection. It is essential to believe that all of the Angels act solely upon the order of Allah and do only what He wills.

3) Believing in the Books of Revelation. This means to believe that Allah revealed books to His servants comprising of His words. These books contain bliss for mankind by clarifying what Allah is pleased with as well as what He dislikes. The Angel charged with delivering revelation to the Prophets is Gabriel (peace be upon him) the greatest of Angels.

A Prophet then conveys the revelation to the rest of mankind.

Allah has revealed many books; among them: The Torah, revealed to Moses (peace be upon him), The Psalms, revealed to David (peace be upon him), The Gospel, sent down to Jesus (peace be upon him), and the Quran, which was revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him).

One must believe that the Quran has abrogated all books prior to it; meaning that, after the Prophet (Muhammad) was sent, it is the only book that can be acted upon, especially since the Quran combines all the merits of past books and further supplements them.

Know that the Quran is from the greatest evidences that this religion is the truth revealed by Allah, The Most High. The Quran was revealed over 1400 years ago. Since then until this day, no contradictions or mistakes have been found in the Quran, not even in a single word. Many of the scientific discoveries of modern times were mentioned in the Quran. Since that time until today, nothing has been added to or subtracted from the Qur'an; while previous revelations have been tampered with and altered.

It is for this reason that you can pick up a copy of the Quran in the Far East and find it to be exactly the same as one you pick up in the Far West. If you were to come across a copy of the Quran that is hundreds of years old, you would also find that it is exactly the same as the one being printed currently; you wouldnot be able to find even one letter that is different. This is because of Allah's protection of this Book; the Book of the religion that sealed all other religions.

Speaking about the Quran would take a lot of time. However, it is enough for you to know that there is nothing like it. whatsoever; not by way of (literary) style, its effect on people, nor its information about the unseen.

4) Believing in the Prophets. This is done by believing that Allah has chosen the best of mankind to be recipients of His revelation and ordered them to convey His religion to the people. There are numerous Prophets; among them are: Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, Lot, Joseph, Moses and others (peace be upon all of them). Also from them is Jesus. It is imperative to believe that he is among the best of Prophets and to love and respect him. Whoever despises him or denies his Prophethood is not a Muslim. Likewise, it is compulsory to believe that Allah created him from a mother only, withoutany father, just as Allah created Adam with neither a mother nor a father.

Having mentioned this, we now know that Jesus is a noble messenger and not God, nor is he a son of God. He foretold the coming of a Prophet to come after him; Muhammad ibn (the son of) Abdullah, the last of the Prophets.

Muhammad ibn Abdullah (peace be upon him) was sent 1400 years ago. It is compulsory for everyone who comes after him until the Day of Judgment to believe in him and his message, and obey his orders and prohibitions.

All those who studied the biography of this messenger have agreed that he is a great personality who has been bestowed with the best of manners and most noble etiquette.

He had characteristics which were not present in anyone before him and will not be present in anyone after him. Anything that you read about him, no matter how small it is, confirms what I am saying.

Allah has also granted him proofs and evidences that establish the authenticity of his Prophethood; thus, having doubt in this fact is intellectually impossible. Having been given such proofs and evidences of his Prophethood, if someone were to deny his truthfulness it would make it impossible for that individual to establish the truthfulness of any other Prophet.

5) Believing in the Last Day. This is fulfilled by firmly believing that after this life of ours is over, there is another more complete life. In it, there are immense rewards and magnificent luxuries, as well as punishment. Luxury is in Heaven and punishment is in Hell. So whoever is righteous and believes in the religion of Islam enters Heaven, a place that contains untold pleasures and unimagined bliss. All the luxuries on Earth cannot be compared to it at all. Whoever enters Heaven will continue to live in such luxuries for eternity, as death does not exist therein.

As for those who act upon evil and do not believe in Islam, they would end up in Hell, which contains fires and punishment that cannot be imagined. All of the fires of Earth and forms of punishment cannot be compared to the punishment of the Hellfire at all.


he existence of punishment and reward after this life is an issue that is intellectually acknowledged, because it is impossible for this world to exist and then just diminish into nothingness. This is trifling about, and our Lord, The Creator, does not engage in such activities.

6) Believing in Divine Decree. This is to believe that everything that happens in this world is due to Allah's knowledge and will. Nothing except what He wills takes place, and what He does not will does not take place. Allah has written everything in a great book (The Preserved Tablet). Believing in Divine Decree also includes believing that Allah created everything.

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